Ted Koppel's Big Night Out

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"Oh, this is..." Anna looks at the place that Jess and his friends went in on.

"It's a dump." Jess fills in the blanks.

"It was a run-down bar that got shut down for health code violations. Then there were some rowdy squatters." Chris explains the rough condition of the place.

"It needs a little fixing up." She grimaces at the hole in the wall.

"It needs a total makeover from ceiling to floor. But, with Jess's advice, we'll be able to do all the work. So, we'll just have to buy the materials and rent some equipment." Matthew knew it would be a lot of work but at least they were getting the ball rolling.

"So in the beginning it'll just be a bookstore?" She remembers Jess explaining the plan.

"Yeah, with the profits we'll buy the machines we need to make books," Chris confirms the plans.

"We'll still have a place for local musicians to play and have galleries for the artist." Jess didn't want to get stuck being just a bookstore. He wanted it to be a place where every voice could be heard.

"We should. I don't want to lose sight of what this place is supposed to be." Matt nods.

"I know it looks like shit right now, but I do see endless possibilities." Chris looks around smiling. She smiled watching Jess look around with the same excited glint in his eyes.

 She smiled watching Jess look around with the same excited glint in his eyes

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Anna and Jaci were told to stay after class by Chef Ned Blois. The ladies were worried about what he was going to say. Anna thought he was going to separate them. "Gillespie's does events. You two have been requested for one."

"Us?" Jaci pointed at her than Anna.

"Yup. Emily Gilmore is paying double for you two to cater a tailgate." He gave Anna a suspicious look over.

"My grandma does not tailgate." She scoffs at the thought.

"You have been ordered to go to Yale's parking lot, so maybe you don't know your grandmother as well as you think." He handed each a paper to detail the event and menu.

"Thank you." She walks out with Jaci.

"Look at that, we're getting paid for the drive too. So we're getting two days of pay for this and excused from school. It's like an extra day off." Jaci waved the paper around as she jumped around.

"We'll see if you feel that way after working for my grandma. She's paying the extra money, so she can be extra critical." She warns.

"I think she paid the extra money so she could get you. We as newbies would have never been given this sweet assignment." She twirls around.

"You don't think anyone is going to be resentful that we got it, do you?" She didn't want them to think her grandma was paying for her day off. She was going to work the event.

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