There's the Rub

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Anna, Lorelai, and Rory walk into Lukes. Instead of being greeted with the smell of coffee and the sound of chatter, they were assaulted with the smell of sawdust and loud hammering. "Geez, look at this place." Lorelai looks around at the plastic up and construction tool everywhere.

"It's a mess." Rory nods.

"Luke must be freaking out." Anna knew her boss's organized nature must be driving him up the wall. They sat down at an empty table.

"Nope, can't sit here." Luke rushed over to tell them.

"Why not?" Rory asked.

"Three people got nailed in the head here earlier," Luke explains.

"But their food was okay, right?" Lorelai asked.

"How hard are we talking?" Anna was so hungry that she would take a couple of hits to the head for a burger.

"Will you just move?" Luke pleads. Lorelai's cell phone rings. "Outside." He points to the door.

"You know, if I sit here one more second, I just might be outside. Order me some coffee." Lorelai told her daughters before walking away.

Jess walks over to the table and hands his girlfriend a large open umbrella before going to serve another table. "Oh, you are really funny. You and Tom should put an act together." Luke glares at his nephew before telling Anna. "I'd leave it open."

Some of the ceiling above them fell onto the umbrella making the teens go stiff. "Is it even going to be okay for them to live up there?" Anna looked around at the sawdust on the floor.

"Tom's a professional. He wouldn't let them live up there if it wasn't?" Rory said even though she wasn't convinced.

Lorelai walks in and sits down. "I'm going to a spa with my mother."

"And I wasn't invited?" Anna yelled.

"You can take my place if you want." She offers.

"No Grandma invited you, you're going. Now, lean forward." Rory advises her mom to get under the umbrella. After she did more parts of the ceiling fell on them.

Anna was in the kitchen making muffins and a thermos of coffee for her mom and grandma to enjoy on the ride to the spa

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Anna was in the kitchen making muffins and a thermos of coffee for her mom and grandma to enjoy on the ride to the spa. She was putting it in the picnic basket when she heard a horn from outside. She grabbed the basket and went outside with her mom and sister. "Wow." She smiled at the limousine her grandma was standing in front of.

"Hello, hello, hello!" Emily greeted.

"What, are we going to prom?" Lorelai led them down the porch steps.

"I just thought since this weekend is all about relaxing, we should start with the ride." Emily smiled.

"This is cool, Grandma." Rory had never seen a limo up close before.

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