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     2 weeks passed and I was still with jihooe, we changed places many times so that jiwon couldn't find us but we can't just run away everytime can we?

    I started to get really close to jihooe, it's suprising to see that they grow up in the same house but were completely different .

    Jiwon is a fucking psychopath while jihooe in the other hand was really caring and kindhearted, his company made me feel so much better, but I'm still traumatized from what happened to me before meeting him.

- present time-

     I woke up and turned around to see jihooe still sleeping in the other side of the bed , I got up and went to the bathroom.

     I looked at myself in the mirror and memories started to come back, I started to hear chanwoo's screams, the sound of the last shoots that killed him, my screams, I started to see blood.....darkness, I put my hands on my ears trying to stop the voices,I felt on the floor tears on my face .

I then felt arms getting around me

_" shhhht it's gonna be okay...breath "

     I heard  this words with a calm and reassuring voice.

    I tried but I couldn't stop thinking about it, he sat next to me and put his hands on my cheeks, I looked at him.

_" look at me....I'm here..no body is gonna hurt you"

    I started to calm down and I hugged him still crying , it's not the first time that something like that happened, it usually happens at night when I close my eyes and everything becomes black, all those moments keeps getting trough my mind, that's why jihooe spends the night with me

I got up with him and he gave me a small smile.

_" let's get breakfast before we get to the next place "

      I nodded and he went to the kitchen while I stayed in the bathroom taking a shower

     When I finished I put some clothes and went down stairs

We ate breakfast and started to pack some clothes for our knew location

_" jihooe...."

_" yes y/n?"

_" when are we going to stop this "

_" stop what"

_" running away " i looked at him

He looked at me back and walk towards me and grabbed my hands

_" here look.....I know it's not easy for you but I'm just too scared to lose you.....I don't want him to take you back"

_" I'm getting sick of this, I know you're making so much effort to help me and a thank you isn't enough....but I can't do this anymore"

_" it's not that simple y/n"

_" I know "

_" just be patient....okay"

       I nodded and he kissed my forehead then hugged, then we continued to pack  and it was time to go away again

We get into the car and he started to drive

_" this place is pretty far so we will have to spend the night at a motel "

I nodded looking down and felt his hand grabbing mine

_" please...just trust me "

      After a long time of driving we finally arrived, he got us a room and we went there.

       Jihooe told me that he was going to get some food and I stayed there alone when I heard some weird sounds coming from outside, I tought that maybe it was jihooe and looked from the window but no one , nothing to worry about it's probably the wind or whatever

      An hour or so passed and jihooe was still outside, I started to get really worried, what happened, why is he so late, then I suddenly heard  someone knocking at my door, it's him , the pass code

    I rushed towards the door and opened it

_" no time no see darling~"

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