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    I was running through the streets calling her name and asking people if they saw her, I spend 3 hours searching, I was tired , but I was feeling some hope , I was feeling that she was somewhere , that if I keep searching I will find her .

    After awhile I suddenly get a call from her I was so happy to know that she was okay and that I could finally hear her voice again.

I took my phone and put it on my ear

_"h...hello y/n are you here where are you, are okay? Y/n answer me" i said worried

_" h...hi chanwoo "

    Hearing her voice makes me so happy, I'm finally talking to my baby, I'm going to cry

    But I don't know where she is right now, I still don't know if she's in a safe place or not, and if she's with that bastard it will be a real problem .

-"hey...where are you, tell me now"

" I...."

It was silent, I waited a respond from her when she said..

_" chanwoo , jiwon kidnapped me but don't worry I'm fine....please don't come here , i don't want you to-"

    And I suddenly heard the voice of another person talking to me in the phone,it was Jiwon's voice, I knew that he was the one that took  her away from me, I will make him pay for all of this.

_"Sup fucker "


_" calme down , no just kidding....... I'm waiting for you, and also come alone or you will regret it "

   He didn't let me talk and end the call
And I received a notification from her phone, it was the address

   I didn't wait any longer and tried to find away to go to this address, the problem is it's very far from where I am , fuck where the fuck are they, it's not in the town, I can't take a taxi for that , how can I go there, I have to think
Chanwoo think about something..NOW

   Suddenly I felt someone tapping my shoulder I turned around and saw a girl with long black hair with a puffy eyes like if she was crying.

_" hey.....are you chanwoo "

_" y...yes and who are you"

_" I'm Yeon-joon a friend of y/n,I....y/n has been kidnapped by Jiwon and I don't know if you know it yet so I decided to come to you and tell it so that you and I could go search for her,
I know that it's very sudden to hear all that-"

_" w...wait and how do you know me? "

_" y/n told me about you and Dong-Gyun and what happened to you the day that I first met her, so I thought that you re the only persontg that could help me "

_"oh I see....and how do you know that y/n has been kidnapped by Jiwon?"

_" I saw it.....I saw everything...I tried to take her away from him but I couldn't..
I'm good at nothing...not even helping my friends....that's why I came her to you to ask you if you can help me "

_" wait you know what happened TELL ME"

_"o....okay "

   Then she started telling me everything that she saw , and I was choked...that monster how dare him to treat her like that, she doesn't deserve it, it's all my fault I shouldn't have given her those hickeys....all this ....it's all because of me
But I'm not going to regret any of this cuz it's the past and I can't change it
Now all I have to do is to find them
And kill him with my own hands!

_" c...chanwoo would you mind me to ask"

_" go ahead "

_" you weren't choked when I told you that y/n was kidnapped by Jiwon, that means that you already know it, but you didn't seems to know how it happened , by your expression when I told you .....so how did you know?"

     I don't know if I should tell her cuz if I did she will probably try to follow me even if I refuse, but she might be a good help for me ....I don't know what to do

_" chanwoo please tell me , we can't stay here just waiting, we don't have time , I know that you know something
So please....if she's there with him right now is because of me, I was not able to help her in that moment, but I m sure that together we can do it"

   She's like me, blaming her self and thinking that it was her fault that y/n is in that situation right now, but it's actually not it's my fault not hers, I should probably tell her what happened

    I told her about the things that jiwon told me moments before she came to me , I could tell that she was happy to now that I knows where she was.

_" but wait ....you can't come with me you know "

_" w...what why"

_"he asked me to come alone or he might do something to y/n"

_" I don't care I m coming anyways "

_" I m not letting you"

_"and you're not stopping me"

_" it will be a very bad choice, you are risking you life and also y/n's life"

_" but by coming with you there would be more chance of rescuing her"

_" but if he finds you, you re dea-"

_" we will make a plan, I will hide my self "

_" I don't know what to think about it"

_" trust me "

_" hey...but how can we go there at the first place"

_" with my car "

_"wait you have a car?"

_"yes now we should go"


_" you can't stop me understand "

She started to walk towards her car and I decided to followed her

We arrived and she started to drive




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