~(37)~(the end)

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Hey hey hey
   How are you guys, I hope you're doing just fine

   Just a quick note to say that I'm writing a new fanfict with my best friend (it's a tsukishima x reader fic) and this shit is gonna be immaculate trust me you don't want to miss that

GimmeYourMilkDaddy the story is in her account so please go check that out It will be so nice  we put so much effort on it .(๑•̀ㅂ•́)و✧✧✧

    Now let's move with the chapter shall we

I rushed towards the door and opened it .

_" no time no see darling~"

My eyes widened and my legs started to shake , I stepped back

_" what are you doing here" I tried my best to show that I wasn't afraid from him but my body betrayed me.

_" I'm here to take what's mine"

  He walked towards me and I stepped back again

_" can't you understand ... I hate you!"

_" those are just words "

   He grabbed my wrist tightly and I tried to get away by pushing him, but ofcourse.....it didn't work .

_" quiet moving it's annoying "

   Where is jihooe, did he left , why isn't he here .....near me.

_" don't touch me bastard!"

   He grabbed my other hand trying to control me, I then free my self and run away for the room.

   I didn't look back, I continued to run and couldn't find anybody, I looked back and saw him running towards me

    I don't have the time to think I just need to run as fast as I can away from him
   I went to the parking lot and noticed that there was a forest at the left , it took me one second to run towards it, it might be dark and scary but I can definitely get away and hide somewhere .

   I continued to run , it was dark with the slight of light coming from the moon.

    I started to walk gasping for air , and trying my best to not make any sound when I saw blood , fresh blood, on the floor and pieces of leaves and woods

   I looked around and saw a black figure laying on the dirt , I started to walk silently towards it, that's when I saw their face .


  I rushed towards him and bent to his level leftin his head on my laps and looking at his body, he was still alive but was breathing heavily .

   I put my hand on his cheek to make him look at me , I saw his eyes looking at me.

_" go away before he finds you"

_" w...what did he do to you"

_" just some scratches nothing more " he let a weak smile 

   I  glanced at his right hip when I saw blood coming out of it

_"  he shoot at you"

_" I told you it was nothing " he was still giving me his stupid smile

_" you're loosing to much blood " I ripped of my shirt and tried to stop it but it wasn't working

_" I called the police.... they are coming, hide somewhere until they come .... please.....go" he said with a low voice

_" n...no I want to stay here with you.....please don't go..."

  I started to panic , my eyes getting watery, my arms shaking and my breath getting heavy, I didn't want to experience that again no not again .

I don't want to loose him too

   I saw his hand coming up to my cheek, I put my hand on it , feeling his warm hand on my skin, getting colder and colder with his heart beats getting slower and slower .

    He looked at the sky with a small smile then back at me

_" the moon is beautiful isn't it"

   With that last words I lost him, his hand fall from my face, and his eyes loosing their shine, and his body getting cold , it was silent, the same silent that was when jiwon shot the last shot on chanwoo .

    I looked at him , feeling a warm liquid running down my face while I bring my face close to his neck, wanting to feel his warm skin again, wanting to smell his scent, to hear his heart, but nothing.

    I then suddenly heard footsteps getting closer and closer , I froze and didn't let go jihooe's body

   I saw him looking at me

_" why are you getting yourself dirty ....let go of him and come with me"

_" I'm not going anywhere "

  Then jihooe's voice rang into my head
I called the police.... they are coming, hide somewhere until they come .... please.....go, I can't waste his effort, I have to buy some time until they get here,I don't want to go with this psychopath

_" get up....I'm not waiting all night for your ass "

_"then get the fuck away cuz I'm not coming!"

_" you know that you don't have the choice"

  I didn't say anything and just glanced at him

_" are you waiting for help cuz no body is coming for you" he then looked at jihooe and gave him a disgust look

_" how can you do that to your one brother "

_" shut up ...now I'm serious... get up "

   I didn't do anything and felt him dragging me up with his hands around my wrists, I struggled into his grip

  He then took a gun from his pocket and pointed at my direction

_" I didn't want to use that but you made me do it"

_" then I dare you ...shoot at me"

  I suddenly heard it , the sound of a gun shot , I closed my eyes tightly but I wasn't hurt, I didn't feel anything, I opened my eyes and saw him on the ground , blood coming up from his body , I looked towards me to see two cops, one with the shot gun and an other running towards me , he looked at me and took my hand dragging me away, away from jihooe, I wanted to go back but he didn't let me , dragging me away with all his might

Then my vision started to get blurry and everything went black


Very happy ending isn't it😃✋ 

Who is cutting some onions cheese

And also "the moon is beautiful isn't it" means "I love you"

I know it's Japanese but yea I just find it  so beautiful (* ´▽`*)

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I know it's Japanese but yea I just find it  so beautiful (* ´▽`*)

   So yea that's the end but there will be some side stories who involves flashbacks/y/n's backstory/ also what will happen to y/n and jiwon

Thanks for reading and see you in the next chapter KISS KISS ON YOUR ASS CHEEKS<3  ヘ(^o^ヘ)

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