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    On the way to the address, we started to think and talk about the plan that we should do to defeat Jiwon,

    we didn't have much ideas but we found one that should work ....hopefully....

    After awhile we finalyl ...arrived. It was a farm...there was an old looking house and on the right and old looking barn...

   I looked at Yeon-joon who was starting to become very stressed and scared , but I tried to reassure her.

_" hey look at me, everything will be okay...just do as we planned , we gonna save her.........trust me"

_" o-okay I..... I w-will...do my b-best"

I looked at the house through the window of the car and prepared my self , I opened the door of the car and stand out of it,

   I started to walk towards the house , and I saw Yeon-joon walking besides the right side of the house to hide herself just like the plan
I took my phone and called him............

    After a few seconds I saw him opening the door of the house and walking towards me

_" hey bitch"

_"  tell me where the fuck is y/n"

_" oh don't be that excited, you will see her soon"

_" yeah and i will take her away from you"

_" HAHAHHA you know you should be an humorist.....you can always try "

I looked at the  right and saw Yeon-joon waiting for my signal for her to come , I have to make all his concentration on me.

_" I guess that you saw the beautiful hickeys that I gave to y/n, as you can see she is mine and you can do nothing about it"

_" you......YOU HOW DARE YOU...."

     the plan is working....I saw her  walking toward us quietly with the adjustable wrenches that she had in her car

    So normally I had piss him off to not pay attention to his surrendings


I noticed that he started to loose his temper and I gave him a little smirk but then he looked calm again..... something isn't right.....no stop thinking like that....

"Now let's move to the serious stuff in other words, I will torture you with my own hands for touching my y/n"

     She was very near from us she left her hand and I  noticed that she was shacking

    But I trust her I know that she can do it , she can hit him, and we can help y/n after it and everything will be perfect I will finally be able to see her and stay with her with out worrying about that bastard

But the moment that she was going to hit him...he....he suddenly dodged it ....
I can't believe it ....how did he find out that she was behind him.....fuck

_" you fucker, you will regret doing this did you really think you could stop me with this I thought you were smarter"

He then suddenly tear off the adjustable wrenches of Yeon-joon's hand  and.....


    I was terrified, this bitch..how did he....
What should we do now, should we escape wait no no no no I can't just abandon y/n like this....

__" you fucker, you will regret doing this did you really think you could stop me with this I thought you were smarter"

He then grabbed my adjustable wrenches I was suprise with his sudden action then he....he hit chanwoo in the head....

   I saw him falling on the floor and jiwon grinning at him...he then turned his face to face me, his smirk was terrifying , I can't defeat him alone....I m dead....should I just run...
And find some help.....

I can't do this by myself I m too scared to just move I'm paralyzed...he came closer to me then grabbed me by my collar and looked straight in my eyes and said

_" you're the girl from earlier...you made a very bad choice by coming here"

_" p...please l....let me go ...I will-"


I started to feel my legs chaking, and felt tears running down my cheek, but he suddenly let go of me , i felt on the floor , but I quickly got up and started to run away

...I'm sorry y/n.....I'm sorry chanwoo...I'm sorry to be that weak...but I have to hide from him...or he will kill me....I.. I don't want to die
I started to cry even more and continued to run but I didn't know where to go

    I turned around to see if he was near me or not and I saw him.....
Running towards me with a gun on his hands...he will kill me....I m sure about that...but I don't wanna die ... I'm too young to die no no no no...why me

   I'm scared....I'm terrified...please someone help me....I started to look around and saw the barn and decided to enter it...I can do it ...I can escape from him...I just need to hide

    I entered and the first thing that I saw was two barrels but I don't know if they empty or not........ fuck

I started to hear his footsteps walking slowly towards my location...what should I do...

And I saw him entering the barn

_"  still wanna play that little game of yours ?"

_" j...jiwon p...please d...don't , I will do a...anything you ask me to j...just please....don't kill me "

_" that doesn't sound fun"

_" w...what "

_"any last words "

_" p.....PLEASE....LIST-"

                             "BAM "

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