Chapter 1

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My name is Shen Wei and currently my life is falling apart. I am the owner of my own company Shen lǖxíngshè (travel agency). We fulfil the wildest needs of our customers or at least we try to. I’m nervous as I walk deeper in to the top floor hotel corridor. Suddenly a door slams open and I get startled.

“Zhao Yunlan is a fucking monster. I’d rather die than come back again!”

The women storms out, stepping through the door in front of me. She stops just before reaching the elevator and turns back. I clear my throat and try to pretend I didn’t hear a thing. “Hey Miah, how was your first day with____"

“Wei! You are here! Great! Consider this my resignation. I am not a secretary material”

“You are quitting? Forever? But you are my top employee”

“Correction, was a top employee. Now I Quit! Listen boss, I’m out! Find some other girl for Zhao Yunlan to break or better is to drop this contract entirely. You are never going to find an assistant who can tolerate him.”

I wish I could tell everyone that I have no other choice than to have this contract. “Sorry boss! Am leaving!” Miah removes her employee ID slams it on the desk and vanishes into the elevator.

I nervously bite my lips as the assistant on the desk looks up at me. The nameplate on her desk reads ‘Li Na'. “How may I help you?”

“Hi Li Na. I am here to check-in”

“Excellent timing, here are your updates. Things are not going well today. What brings you to Hotel Jin Jiang, Mr Shen? When all the other girls quit, you just sent us an apology email and made arrangements for another girl”

I sheepishly hold up my phone and show her the screen. There were multiple continuous  messages from my ex-employee Miah. It was timed from morning till now, which makes it 3 hours.


Message 1 : Hey boss, it’s nothing serious but, I don’t know how Mr Zhao likes his coffee and he won’t tell me.

Message 2 : Never mind! I got it at the fifth try. It’s one spoon of cream and 2 sugar cubes, or else he throws the cup at the wall. This time he didn’t and figured it out.

Message 3 : He does not like to be interrupted

Message 4 : He really does not like to be interrupted, make a note of it.




Li Na breathed in “Wow! That’s some assuring texts"

“Yeah, Miah in fact had a very rough first day"

“I see. So you are here to meet Mr Zhao?”


“Well, which one? All the three brothers are here"

“Oh! Then can I meet with Zhao Yunlan,  the beast who broke my best employee?”

“Sure!” she directly points out towards the door showing his cabin.

A bit surprised “Don’t you have to make a call first and inform him about me?”

“Ah! No! He does not like to be called to his office. It’s one of Yunlan's unique attribute”

“Unique indeed" I walk towards the door. There’s a bad aura about this place. It sets my whole body on edge. As I walk into the door, a folder stuffed with paper comes flying towards me. I duck down to avoid it and the papers scatters throughout the room.

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