Chapter 13

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My head was fuzzy and throbbing. I did not recognize my surroundings and suddenly my eyes fall on the photos on the night stand, it was Yunlan and his squad mates. Last nights events come back as movie. I feel stupid and ashamed to know I got wasted last night and I don't even remember how I reached the bedroom. My clothes were intact and that was a good sigh. I slowly get up from the bed and walk towards the door. I find everyone sitting in the dinning room sipping tea. I clear my throat to make my presence known. All look at me and they looked like 4 kicked puppies.

"The prince is finally awake"

I turn around and find Yunlan standing with a cup of tea in his hands with a stoic expression on his face. He gestures me towards the chair and I take a seat. He puts the cup of tea in front of me and walks away. I start sipping my tea and bow my head in shame.

"Ge, we___"

"What do you all think about this? How can you all be so irresponsible. I called you all for dinner and you all were wasted. Was it so necessary to drink so much?"

"We are sorry!"

Just then Yunlan's expression changes and rage inherits his body. "Get out, all of you...GET OUT!" He looks at us in utmost rage and storms off to his bedroom.

We all looked perplexed by the sudden change of events. "We better get out now, it's for the best" Bei Zhang requests.

"Gè is having another one of his episodes"

I look at Wu Xing "What episodes?"

"It's the time....time when he lost his squad mates and his leg"

"You mean---??"

"Yes, this time of year Gè gets angry and agitated. He closes himself and distances from everyone else. We all wondered why he called everyone yesterday because it was unusual. We all thought he got out of it because of you but he has closed off again. We cannot do anything at these times, we just have to stay away from him"

"But, he is your Gè. You cannot just leave him because he says so. He needs someone during these times"

"That's why, we request you to stay here and be with Gè because he absolutely doesn't want to depend on his family"

"Was he always like this?"

"No, he was able to get over even after his squad mates death. But, his episodes started when mother died saving him. He was shattered and took the blame on himself. Now he thinks it's all his fault. We all tried to make him understand but it was futile"

"Okay, let me try. I will stay here and try to bring him out of his box"

"Okay, we will leave him in your hands then. We will get going"


After they all leave, I walk towards his bedroom and knock the door. There was no response, so I try the nob. Thankfully it was not locked so I walk in. Yunlan was sitting on his bed looking out the window. I carefully sit beside him and wait for him to speak up.

"Everything's okay Wei. You go home!"

"Yunlan, I can see you are in pain not only physically but mentally too"

"What you mean? Am I crazy?"

"No Yunlan, I didn't mean that. Wu Xing told me that it's the time of the year___"

"What else did he say to you? Did he say I have my episodes? Did he say I shut myself off?"


"I am not crazy, I just need some time for myself. Also I told you to leave, why are you still here?"

"I wanted to make sure you are okay"

"I am fine!"

"You are not Yunlan. Anyone can see that. Just tell me what's bothering you?"

"It's the day they died"

"Your squad mates?"

"Yes! This was not supposed to happen Wei. They were not supposed to die"

"Yunlan, you cannot change fate"

"I could If I was quick enough. I could not save them"

"It was war Yunlan, you could not have done anything"

"It was not war, it was a bomb. A single bomb. The one which I failed to find. Because of it they died"

"I know if you had a chance you would have given your life for them. They were just not meant to be saved"

"They left their wives back here Wei. We all were such good friends. Now their wives don't pick my call or return my mails"

"They just need time Yunlan".

"They had enough time. They blame me as well. How was I alive when we all three went to find the bomb. That's what they say. I not only lost 2 great friends, I lost all four of them"

"They don't think that way Yunlan. You lost your leg in that blast. Also, you are doing such a good work on this project of yours of opening a clinic for war veterans for amputees. You are doing everything you can from your end"

" don't understand. It was not supposed to be this way. I should have died along with them. Their wives don't have a husband anymore, their children dont have a father anymore. They cannot have lunch and dinners together. They cant go on vacations without thinking about their father. I have seen them Wei, during the funeral, they were broken, a part of them were forcefully taken away and it was all my fault. I never wanted to be alone, I was left all alone"

"You are not alone Yunlan, your families with you, I am with you"

"You? will leave me as well. Didn't you be my secretary to save your company? After I become the COO you will ditch me and go back to your company"

"I told you everything about me because I trust you Yunlan. You know the reasons behind my stay. Why are you being sarcastic about it now?"

"Indirectly you are using me for your company right? You also used me to show off to your ex-boyfriend"

"You AGREED to go with me. We had a DEAL. Why are you saying it as if I forced you to come with you"

"Stop acting Wei. That's all you know to do. Who knows whatever you showed me these days were true or not"

"How can you say that Yunlan? You remember you called me here yesterday. After all the past events, I thought we had something."

"As if I will believe anything you say"

"Why did this turn against me. I was here to support you, help you. Don't spoil what we had"

"What did we have? Let me tell you...NOTHING"

"Are you trying to kick me out?"

"I thought you were not smart at all"

That's it, I could not bare the insults thrown at me. He is making me feel as if I would sleep with men to make my works easy. I was at my limit. "Fine! You don't have to kick me out. I will walk out myself and I QUIT"

I turned around and stormed out the bedroom. Yunlan followed right behind me. I could see the panic and regret in his eyes. But I wanted him to stop me. Tell me he did not mean anything he said. But he just kept his mouth shut and did not stop me. He walked to the kitchen and was drinking a glass of water. He showed as if he did not care if I left him. I walked out his cabin into the elevator and out the warehouse. Tears had gathered in my eyes. I sat inside my car and waited few minutes anticipating Yunlan to rush out the door and stop me. But he never showed up. This was how it ends. Never expected it. I would never come back here. I would never feel his presence around me. I would never feel his lips on me. I turned on the engine and drove towards my apartment.

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