Chapter 7

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I look at Yunlan and he nods at me. I straighten my clothes and pick a folder from the table. I walk out of his cabin looking at the folder as if satisfied with my work. I take a seat at the dining table and that’s when Zhao Mei and Zhao Wu Xing walks into the office. I pray in my mind that Zhao Mei acts as if she doesn’t recognize me, but I was so wrong when she addressed me with familiarity.

“Oh Wei, you look nervous,  Is Yunlan giving you any trouble”

“ trouble"

“Relax, he won’t eat you up"

“Yes Mam!”

Just then Yunlan walks out of his office looking suspicious “You both seem as if you know each other?”

“Why are you so suspicious brother, sister in law is just trying to be friendly”

"Friendly on the first day of meeting? That's unusual"

"Why? You used to do that as well when we were in college. You would approach every new student whether its a boy or a girl. Because of that we got to know that you are Bi"

"Shut up Wu Xing!"

I look at Yunlan with a blank face “I think I should leave now. The work is done for today right?”

For a split second Yunlan hesitates to let me go. But he shows me some mercy “Thank you Wei, you stayed longer than needed.”

I nod at him and start to gather my things. I was relieved to get out of that room. As I take a deep breath and walk towards the elevator, it pings and opens up to a man and a women standing hand in hand.

“Oh, hi there. My name is Peng and this is my girlfriend Mao Mao”

She leans towards me and smiles brightly “Hey, I love your Tie"

“Thank you! If you will excuse me"

They give a knowing smile and walks away half giggling and teasing. Their behaviour weirded me out more, they act as if they know something. Why did the whole Zhao family suddenly decided to meet today at the same time. Forget it, I am going home. As I walk towards my car, my thoughts mix up to what Wu Xing said. Yunlan is 'Bi' it means he's interested in boys. Did he try to provoke me because he has interest in me or was he just trying to make me quit the job by using a different tactic. I was confused as well as angry. I did not know what possibility to believe. As per his younger brother Yunlan sounds like a prick who picks on whoever he finds interesting. Should I even bother to think he genuinely has anything for me? Or should I just ignore it?

My weekend turned out as boring as others. Saturday night turned out as a Boys night with Li and Sunday passed away lazily. And here I am early next Monday morning tired and exhausted. I have a hot cup of coffee in one hand and other hand has a phone pressed to my ear having a chit chat with Li about my office.

“...... okay boss I will follow your instructions on this project. By the way have you found a fake date yet?”

“You know I haven’t Li"

“You need to find one fast Wei or else you will look like a sad puppy lost in the midst of pack of canines. They will eat you alive"

“I know....I know...I am trying Li. I will find someone don’t worry. I got to go now, I’ll see you later"

I walk up to his cabin and the first thing I see is all the lights are out and Yunlan’s laptop is perched on a chair. Since it was quite early it was still dark outside. I flick the lights on and immediately I feel my heart about to burst open. As soon as I on the lights I see Yunlan standing in the middle of the room giving me quite a scare.

“What are you doing in the dark Yunlan?”

“I was just about to switch on the light but you did it first. What are you doing so early?”

“I woke up early so thought I would reach sooner. Have loads of pending files to look at. Why are you up so early?”

“I am a Marine, am always up before the sunrise whether it’s raining or snowing. Since you are here early let’s get to work shall we?”

I smile and take my seat. After few hours and after lots of coffee I take a small break from my work. I get up to make another cup of coffee and start to wonder about Yunlan’s past. He has never shared what happened to him or his leg. Not even the nation knows what exactly happened to Zhao Yunlan as he decided to quit marines suddenly. He does not talk about it nor discusses it with anyone. He needs someone to talk to so that he doesn’t keep hurting himself as he always does. The fake demeanour, anger issues, a monster these are just a facade to hide his true feelings. Wonder what exactly happened to him. I really want to help him but I am unsure if he will trust me enough to open up to me.

Yunlan announces himself as he walks by me. “I sent you an email"

“Okay, I will look into it"

I notice Yunlan still looking at me worryingly “What’s wrong Yunlan?”

“Umm....Wei I need your help"

“What? You need MY help? When did you start trusting me enough to ask for my help?” I try to laugh it off as a joke but I notice Yunlan's face was serious and knew this meant business.

“You are good at what you do Wei, that’s why I need your help. This involves Da Qing, whom I believe you won’t date”

“It’s cute that you believe I will listen to you"

“Look, Me and Da Qing we are doing a project together and I don’t want him to have any kind of distractions”

“Hmm...well okay, I will try my best to not seduce Da Qing but only on one condition”

“Name it"

“I want you to act as a sort of stand in for me"

“To what?”

“Just a simple regular fancy function”

“Forget I asked for your help. Not interested"

“Hmm thought so, I can also ask Da Qing to go with me. I am sure he would look dashing in those tuxedos”


“Just need a small information, does Da Qing keeps on the cowboy hat during sex?”

I hear a deep growl come out of Yunlan. I smirk and completely ignore him and settle down in my chair to check my email.

“I see....this is a good project...I would gladly help you....You just need me to create a website right?”

“Yes, I want it to be anonymous. No one should know who is making the donations and if anyone tries to trace it don’t let it reach me”

“I can make that happen. The party is in two days, you are coming right?”

“I sure am"

My Billionaire BossOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora