Chapter 10

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We reach my apartment and Yunlan stops the car turning off the ignition. We sit there quietly for a while.

"It was a crazy night, right?"

"Yeah, I never knew you dated that asshole and tolerated him for such a long time. I would have kicked his ass long back"

"I know, but I was in love with him. Even though he said harsh words to me I would brush it off. But later it started getting sophisticated when he started trampling on my new business. I had enough and we broke up. You know what he said when I walked out?"


"You will return back to me one day. You are too weak to stand on your own feet. You need me"..........."That actually didn't anger me but lifted up my boost. Because of how arrogant he was I wanted to show him what I could do. But later I started having financial issues and I had to make a deal with your brother to save my company and the reputation."

"We are facing the same thing Wei. You don't want to be the CEO of your parents company and I don't want to be COO of my company."

"Yeah true, I have sorted out everything though. It's time you fight for yourself"

"I will. One day. Are we good now Wei?"

"Why wouldn't we be?"

"Then I shall consider ourselves as friends?"

"I think we are more than friends Yunlan and you know it"

Yunlan scratched his head in embarrassment "I know, I was just confirming it"

Yunlan slowly rests his hands on my waist and pulls me close. Our chests are just inch apart. I slowly lean in and brush my lips on his. He closes his eyes and savors the touch of my lips. "What's next Yunlan? Is this all?"

The beast was again awake. He pulls me roughly towards him and I fall flat on his chest. He holds my face on either side and lifts up. He pounces on my lips and kisses me as hard as he can. He kisses me a dozen times peppering my neck with kisses as I let out a little giggle.

"That's enough lover boy, it's time I go home"

"Will I get a chance to take you out again?"

"I don't know, I have lot of work to do"

"What work?"

"My boss has many schedules..."

"Ahh...hahah...okay...Ill see you on Monday then"

"Good night Yunlan"

"Good night Wei"


It's a quick drive, despite the traffic. I step out of my car still reeling in the aftermath of weekend. I swipe the card to the warehouse, the console beeps and I walk in. I straighten my back and walk towards the elevator. The door open and enter the floor. I find Yunlan standing in the kitchen grumbling about something. He turns and looks at me.


"Thanks Yunlan"

He smirks and walks into his cabin disappearing for a minute. I sit in my chair and pull out the laptop. He walks out the cabin and dumps a stash full of documents on my table.

"I want you to do through these for me"

"And what are these?"

"Documents on my charity"

I grumble "Why am I helping you with this again?"

"We had a deal. If I go with you, you will help me as well"

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