Chapter 18

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"Wei, are you okay?"

Yunlan looks concerned as he sets the glass down on the table. I take a deep breath. "Is that all Yunlan?"

"I don't understand! Isn't this good news Wei? Few months back it was your mission to make me the COO of the company and now I did it..I don't understand what you are feeling?"

"It is good news and I am happy about it Yunlan. But I thought I was going to hear your true feelings tonight. I came here anticipating you will talk about us but instead we are talking about business as always"

"What do you want Wei?"

"I need more"

"What does that mean?"

"It means, it's not enough for me what we have. I want more. I want to make our relationship official"

"I told you I needed time Wei"

"I know but I thought you would talk about us and not about the hotel"

"I thought you would be happy after hearing my announcement"

"I's a happy thing...I am happy as well. But...I thought...."

"You are saying the same things my ex-girlfriend told me. She wanted more as well. Never thought what I felt. And I am feeling the same thing about you as well"


"She said I am incapable of committing to a relationship. But I was trying, I was trying so hard. I had been trying to finish off my unfinished business with others. Isn't that enough?"

He abruptly stands up and I stand with him."Dammit...I thought you would celebrate this day"

"I did! I am! But it's not always about you Yunlan. This has nothing to do with your ex-girlfriend. This has to do with us"

"Us. Yes."

I glare at him "Are you incapable of giving yourself to me until everything in life is
Wrapped in a nice little bow as a gift?"

"What if I am?" He crosses his arms and I feel like I have been slapped on the face. "I asked for time and you gave it. I thought you would wait for me"

"It's going to be nearly a YEAR Yunlan. How long do you need time to make it official. Am I asking too much of you? I thought you liked me and you would do anything to be with me."

"I do! You know fucking I do"

"Then what's the problem?"

"I....I don't know Wei. I just can't give what you want. I don't know how"

He sighs as he looks down at his feet. "I have to go!" I grab my bag and walk towards the door. He walks behind me. "Wei, please wait"

"I am done waiting Yunlan"

I don't stop and walk towards the elevator and never to see him again.


I turn at him "It's Mr Shen. And you are out of time" I walk into the elevator and the door closes. I practically fall on my knees as I lean on the elevator wall. Tears fall down my cheeks "What the hell am I doing? He doesn't love me, does he? He couldn't. If he was sincere he would have made this real between us. What even did we have between us. If there was love he did not show it. We had sex, I went far enough as to give him by body. I was ready for the next step. Why is he so afraid. If he wants me he need to make leap of faith and take risks."

I step out and look back at the Yunlan. He stands behind the window and looks at me before walking inside and closing the blinds.

"I think this is it for real"

I get back home and spend the whole night crying. Next morning I wake up and find my phone ringing, it was Zhao Bei Zhang. I silence the phone not wanting to talk to any Zhao members. Soon, the call goes to voicemail and in split second a text reaches me.

Zhao Bei Zhang : Would like to meet you today. 11 AM sharp. In my office.

It was not even a request but a direct order from him. I sigh, but get up and get ready. I reach Bei Zhang's office and ask his secretary to let me in his office.

"So Wei, tell me what's wrong? My brother is giving me a hard time at the moment"

"Why do you think it's something to do with me"

"I know my brother well. Now tell me what happened?"

"It's nothing. Just a bad dinner last night."

"Okay. I won't get in between whatever happened between you. I just wanted to thank you and invite you to Yunlan's coronation. He finally decided to be the COO of the company. I know you won't be coming, Yunlan won't say it but he would like it if you are there"

I take the invitation stash it inside my pocket and walk out the office. Before I meet Yunlan coincidently I rush out the office and again start working at my company. That night Li had gone to a date and was stood up. He was in a mood to get wasted and invited me to a bar. I had to get some stuffs out of my head so I agreed to keep him company.

We head to a nightclub and take a seat with our respective drinks. After seeing my face Li knew something was not right. After a drink I told him everything that occurred between me and Yunlan. I pass the invitation given to me by Zhao Bei Zhang and ask Li to attend the party instead of me. As Li was trying to convince me to go to the party, I see a tall man walking towards our table.

"What a sight Shen Wei"

"Da Qing, it's been a while"

"Are you two alone?"


"Did you call the other boys in as well?"


Da Qing points out at a VIP table and there I see all the Zhao Brothers drinking and laughing.

"He can still laugh?"

I look at Da Qing and invite him at our table for a drink. We three sit together and nearly down 3 - 4 drinks. After a while I ask Da Qing for a dance. We all have fun and dance together. In between we would also drag other people and dance with them. It was totally blasting, after I while I take a seat nearby and plop down. We were having so much fun and that was when Li decides to get wasted. I had to cut down my fun and drag him out of the bar.

As I was trying to stop a cab with Li hanging from the other end, I hear footsteps behind me and find Yunlan looking at me.



"I saw you and Li coming out alone and was worried, so......Wei...I am trying, really....I am trying to open up, talking to people. I am a soldier, it's difficult for us to do this. But I am doing my best."

"I am not giving up on us Yunlan. I will be right here, waiting"

"I am not giving up either, Never"

He takes a step forward and holds my cheek as he pulls me close. "I don't want to lose you Wei"

"I don't either, but..."

"I know, I know." He leans in kissing me passionately. "Are you coming to my coronation?"

"I haven't decided yet"

"Hmm..take your time. I would feel happy if I could see your face when I accept my coronation. It's because of you that I got till here"

"Hmm....I should get back now before Li falls unconscious on me"

"Do you want me to help?"

"No No...I can manage. Goodnight Yunlan"

"Goodnight Wei!"

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