Chapter 26

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February 11th

There was so much to do before New Year's Eve. Houses were decorated with red lanterns, red couplets, paper Cutouts, and New Year's paintings. Putting up those decorations are thought to keep evil away and pray for blessing, longevity, health, and peace.

There was a belief that, Offering sacrifices to ancestors shows respect and piety. In addition, ancestral spirits are believed to protect their descendants and help them become prosperous.

Many worships on New Year's Eve, do this before the reunion dinner, to show that they are letting their ancestors "eat" first. Offerings of meat, wine, rice sticks, and rice paper are placed in front of the shrine/grave.

There will always be a dinner night with the whole family. This time, Wei's parents called out for Yunlan for their dinner night. Big families including several generations sit at round tables and enjoy the food and time together. Dishes with lucky meanings must be included in the dinner such as fish, dumplings, sticky rice cake, and spring rolls.

After dinner it is a tradition to give red envelopes to the children. Wei parents prepared them for both Yunlan and Wei. Wishing them health, growth, and good family in the coming year. Money in red envelopes is believed to bring good luck, as red is China's lucky color, so it's called lucky money.

 Money in red envelopes is believed to bring good luck, as red is China's lucky color, so it's called lucky money

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At midnight on New Year's Eve some people like to go to large squares or temples where huge bells are rung. A bell is a traditional symbol of Chinese New Year, and Chinese people believe that ringing a large bell can drive away bad luck and bring good fortune.

February 12th, The New Year's Eve

Finally, it was New Year's Eve. It was time to celebrate. They wore New clothes they bought before New Year and wished each other good luck and happiness in the New Year. It is customary for the younger generation to visit their elders, and wish them health and longevity.

There are also street people celebrating the day. A grand procession of Lion dances and Dragon dances are seen everywhere on the street. People gather around to enjoy the beautiful movements.

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