Chapter 24

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February 4th : House Cleaning

[People start to prepare for New Year's before 8 days of the main events. This is called "Sweeping away the dusts" represents a wish of bidding farewell to old things and welcome news one in the New Year]

I came back to my home early morning. My mom wholeheartedly welcomed me. Dad came forward and hugged me lovingly. As I walked in, my jaw dropped. This bastard was in here. My anger knew no bounds.

"What the hell is he doing here Mom?"

"What do you mean? He is family. Ofcourse he will be here"

"Why isn't he staying with his family? And what do you mean he is family?"

"His parents are abroad. He does not have any relatives here so he will be spending the  New Year's Eve with us. Also, he is going to marry you in the future. Hence, he will be family right"

"Who said I am going to marry this gold digger"

"WEI! Stop saying such stuffs about Zhu Jui. Do you know in your absence he was the one who took care of our company as well as us. You were not here. You have no right to insult him"

"Oh yea right, I thought I will have a peaceful New Year with you but if that bastard is staying here. I am leaving".

I pick up my bags and turn towards the door. His words stops me in my tracks. "Are you afraid of me Wei?"

I irritatedly turn around "Afraid? And me?"

"Then why are you running away?"

"Who's running away bastard. I just cannot stand the sight of a stinking flesh standing in the name of human"

"Haha...nicely put. I know you are just angry at me. Don't worry I will convince you one day to marry me"

"I will never marry you! I already have a boyfriend"

"Who? That fake boyfriend you bought as a date for my coronation? We all know he was a fake date. If you guys were real it would be in tabloids by now"

"Who said we are not a real couple. Also, we didn't disclose our relationship to anyone"

"Come on now Wei, how much longer will you keep lying to yourself"

"Shut up Zhu Jui, don't provoke me"

"Enough! Both of you! Son go to your room and unpack" my mom interferes.

"Did I say I am staying here mom?"

"You are staying here. I am not asking your permission and Zhu Jui is like a son to us and he will stay here whether you like it or not. Now go to your room"

Dejected that they again supported him than their own son, I walk to my room and shut the door. Who was I kidding, I thought they had a little bit of compassion towards me as well. I don't think they do.

After a while I came down from my room and find mom and dad which some dusties, floor cleaning and a bucket of water. "Wei, come down here and help us clean the house"

"Yes Mom!"

As I was cleaning, I notice Zhu Jui sitting on the couch with his leg perched on a chair reading a Magazine. "Hey bastard, you are not a king to sit idle. Come and help us clean the house"

My mom interjects "Wei, Zhu Jui will not clean the house"


"He is our son-in-law. We can't make him work"

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