Chapter 6

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I drive myself over to a restaurant to meet up with Li. As soon as I walk inside he waves his hand and I sit down in front of him.

“Rough day?”

“Rough week actually. Yunlan has fired me nearly five times this whole week. How long do I have to deal with him I am not sure"

“Why don’t you forget about Zhao family all together. They are not the only rich family in the city.”

“I know that but who can bear Yunlan than me?”

“Nobody for real"

“Excuse me Mr?”

I turn around and find Da Qing standing behind me with a smile on his face. “ are Da Qing. We just met yesterday in front of Yunlan’s warehouse”

“Yes, you are the lovely personal assistant who let me in”

“It’s Shen Wei, a pleasure to meet you again"

“The pleasure is all mine!”

“Do you work for Zhao family as well?”

“Not really, Yunlan is a good friend of mine so I sometimes give him a visit. I am a commercial builder actually”

“Hi, My name is Li, I am Wei’s best friend”

I look at Li and realize him looking at Da Qing with hearts in his eyes. Yes clearly in love. I roll my eyes at him and look back at Da Qing.

“Do you know the Zhao family well?”

“I do.....I did some work for Bei Zhang and Yaoze" Da Qing stares at me for a while “Shame that you are taken or else I would have asked you out within a heart beat"

“I am ......taken?

“Yes, Yunlan told me that you are not single anymore"

“Oh ....... that’s quite interesting and annoying “

“I better leave now Wei, got work to do. It was nice meeting you and you too Li"

I watch him as he walks out of the restaurant.

“Where did you find such a hunk of a guy Wei. He’s so sexy. But what did he mean by you are taken?”

“I don’t know but I am sure to find that out"

I stomp out the door and drive back to the warehouse. I storm into Yunlan’s cabin and slam the door behind me. He walks out of the kitchen with an apple and a knife. He doesn’t seem surprised to see me. I dump my suitcase on the table and walk towards him. He cuts a slice of apple and puts on the tip of his tongue and my steps seemingly falters.

“Why does that look so sexy? Focus Wei"
“Yunlan, tell me about Da Qing"

“What about him?”

“I met him at the restaurant and he said he would have asked me out if I wasn’t quote ‘taken' “

“It’s simple, he shouldn’t be asking you out"

“That’s not my problem, my problem is someone told him I was taken"

“You are not to date Zhao employees when you are working for me"

“I am not aware of any Zhao business Da Qing is doing"

“The answer is ‘No' Minua"

“You have no right to tell me who I can or can’t date”

“You are not dating Da Qing"

“Excuse me, Maybe I WILL"

“YOU WON’T” his lips curls “Not while you work for me"

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