Chapter 2

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Next morning instead of going to my office as usual, I head to the address provided by Zhao Bei Zhang, where Yunlan's warehouse is located. As I step out of the car, I get the foreboding feeling as I walk up to his door.

“Is this really the place of a billionaire? This looks like abandoned”

I walk through the parking lot towards the door and use the keep cars to open it. After a beep sound and a click, I open the heavy door and walk inside.

“Whoa! What the heck is this place?”

There were bricks sprawled on the corner of the warehouse. The warehouse looked completely empty, there were no furniture and whenever I took a step it made a clang noise as I step forward. This place looked like a villain’s lair than his house. On the floor above me there’s a cabin and I could see a blurry silhouette of a man looking down at me. I make my way to his cabin when I notice there are no steps leading to the second floor. Instead I find a worn out – old fashioned elevator. I step into the elevator and push the button for 2nd floor. As it slowly reaches the second floor I enter into a battle mode.

My jaw drops as I enter the second floor. It’s a gorgeous space, complete with expensive furniture’s. “Are you kidding me? This place is amazing”

My body stiffens as a voice rings out in reply. It’s low and husky. “Don’t get too comfortable”. Zhao Yunlan  walked in front of me with a white shirt and black pants. I could see the trace of every muscle in his body straining through his shirt. He gives a sneer as he looks at me. He turns around without another word and I follow him to a door less office. He sits down at his desk, a single lamp illuminating his work. He doesn’t even bother to look back at me.

“You can leave whatever your name is"

“My name is  Xiong Wei. I was sent by Zhao Bei Zhang and I will be your Assistant starting today."

"It's better if I change my name or else he will notice I have some connection to Shen lǖxíngshè"

I continue "Let’s get right to the point, shall we. Your brother sent me up to speed on __”

“Wei.......” he turns to look at me. His thick hair ruffles like he’s running his fingers through it. Neatly trimmed beard and a sharp jaw. Deep captivating eyes narrow as he tracks down to my heels to my shirt. “No, definitely not"

I give him a confused look “No?.......No to what?”

“No to you. You will have to go with something else. I want to talk to a women not to a man who has a features of a women. You can never be my assistant. Get out”

I widen my eyes, this bastard ia trying to get on my nerves by saying witty remarks. I would not lose to him. I try to be indifferent again. “Mr Zhao, are you scared to take a man as your assistant? I didn't think Zhao Yunlan would be a coward"

"Ahh...are you trying such tactics to stay here now? That won't effect me in least bit. And I have already made my decision GET OUT"

"Sorry Mr Zhao, you did not hire me your brother did. Only he has the power to fire me. So 'Get out' won't effect me either. I am your assistant. It doesn't matter if you like it or not"

"Fine, you can be my assistant. I will make sure you leave the post on your own"

"That will never happen Mr Zhao"

"Okay, we will see. But I didn't like your name. I should call you something else"

"What would you prefer?”

“Hmm....we will figure something out. I will call you legs since it seems to go all along”

Hearing this I mumble “How about foot? Like the one I’m going to shove right up to your_____"

“What did you say?”

“Nothing,  Nothing, I mumbled a bit. Legs you say? I can’t say I am a fan"

A smirk forms on his face as he gazes at me. Then he turns around towards his desk. I can see myself getting flushed as I turn my head sideways. I feel something stirring in my chest and its vaguely familiar.

“ I getting attracted to this asshole? Oh no....not again. Why do I have such weakness against cocky bastards? These kind of crushes never end well for me. Let’s just forget I even thought about this. Stop staring at his broad shoulders and move on"

“As I was saying Mr Zhao__"


“Okay Yunlan" he raises a finger to silence me and shakes his head grinning mischievously. “No, too friendly. Back to Mr Zhao”

I let out an irritated sigh “Mr Zhao, your brother tells me_____"

“I could always call you heels"


“I could hear you from a mile away the way those shoes click on the ground"

“I am sorry the shoes makes noise. May be you should consider changing the flooring”

He leans back in his chair. I watch as he crosses his arms, his muscles flexed and it was clearly visible through his white shirt.

“Are you sure you’re from the company? Not a call boy?”

That was it and I snapped “Mr Zhao, I won’t let anyone talk to me like this not even my boss"

He immediately gets up from his chair and starts walking towards me. I notice something. He wears a prosthetic leg. There’s a slight creak as he takes every step.

“I changed my mind Wei" I feel the heat of his breath as he looks down at me. “You can call me Yunlan as my friends and family do”

“Okay, I will call you Yunlan"

He smiles when his names leaves my lips. Like it was all just to make me say it. He brings a hand up to my face and moves a stray of lock behind my ear. “We’re gonna have a lot of fun together"


He lets out a little chuckle “Working together. It will be great. I think you are my favourite assistant till now"

“So.....I am not fired?”

“Days not over. So far so good"

He steps away from me, leaving me breathless. He shuffles some papers on his desk.

“How am I going to deal with all these....tensions? I never expected he’d be.......I mean....”

His voice sounds out “Do you know my last 10 Assistants called me a beast?”

I clear my throat and stand firm “I can easily handle you Yunlan, I have much confidence in myself”

He gives me a wary smile and walks right beside me. I follow behind him towards the living room.

“Yunlan, I need a desk to start working. Can I arrange one in the corner?”

“Or you could leave and save us both the trouble. I will call Geģe and tell him you failed"

“On a second thought, who needs a desk anyway. The dining table is the perfect place for me to work from”

“Get to work then, not like I can stop you. Also get me some coffee, have some if you like. We are going to be here the whole night"

I set my bag on the table, gather some paper and spread them on the table. I get up to get some coffee and remembered what Miah texted me, one spoon of cream and 2 sugar cubes. I make a simple coffee for myself and walk towards his desk. I give his coffee and wait for his reaction. He looks at me and takes a sip, nodding approvingly. I smile and get back to my desk, as soon as I take a seat my phone pings for an incoming message. My blood runs cold as I see who the sender is.

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