Chapter 12

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I work late into the evening in Yunlan's office and end up at my apartment at around 8 PM. Xiang Li stops by with some groceries and men talk.

"Thank god you are here. I needed to relax for a while"

"Relax after......?"

"A hard work at the office"

He sees the blush spreading on my cheeks and squeals. "You slept with Zhao Yunlan?"

"Li, not so loud!"

"I will scream from the top of the rooftop" suddenly a sad look passes through him. "Actually, this makes me feel like I don't have a life"

"You do have a life Li"

"No Wei, here you get a chance to have sex with a gorgeous hunk and I....well....have wine?"

"Lets drink to our hearts"

"Yeah, congratulations on you getting laid and all the best for me to get laid in the future"

"You will, don't worry"

"You think the hot guy from the Mexican restaurant will fling by and give me his number?"

"Well, I do know him. I can introduce you to him"

"You think so? That would be great help. I have been feeling lonely since the day you started working for Zhao family"

"Everything will be fine Li, I promise!"

Next morning, we both have a hangover breakfast and go our separate ways. I was sitting in Yunlan's cabin and working through my laptop when I feel someone behind me. Two warm hands rest on my shoulders. He squeezes it gently massaging it. I feel the aches and anxieties fade away as Yunlan lean in close and kisses my ear.


"I have a very important meeting to attend to. It cannot be rescheduled."

"How come I don't know about this meeting?"

"It's a private meeting, unscheduled and I need your assistance"

"Need my assistance or requirement?"

He leans close to my ear, his breath feels hot "Both!"

I knew what Yunlan wanted, but I had lots of work to finish which was pending for these few days. I just couldn't have sex with him 24 hours.

"I am sorry Yunlan, I have lots of work to do"

He drops his hand and walks in front of the table. His expression is stoic. I am not sure if he's disappointed or unaffected. "Yeah, we do have lots of work"

"Yeah, I will be very busy until the evening. After that, maybe we can talk about this meeting?"


He walks into the kitchen and takes a glass of water. As he drink few drops fall on his chiseled chest and slides down. One drops slides through his abs and disappears under his pants.

"Ack! Focus! Wei! Does that man even know what he makes me feel? I have never wanted to be the drop of water so badly in my life."

I spend couple of hours trying to focus on work, but all my thoughts lead back to Yunlan. "And here comes the devil to distract me again"


"What is it Yunlan?"

"I am exhausted!"

"Why don't take a nap then...."

"Have shit ton of work"

"Let me see if I can take some work out of your list. Let me reschedule"

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