Chapter 21

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Yunlan's POV

It was getting dark and there was no sign of Wei yet. I was pacing outside the cabin worried and anxious. It was not even safe to walk in the forest at this time. Plus there was a clear trail back to the cabin then why wasn't he here yet. I could not wait any longer and decided to look for him myself. But the old lady of the cabin stopped me from going in the forest.

"But he hasn't returned yet Grandma. It's not safe for him to stay so long"

"Master, I am worried about Mr Shen as well but you do not know the forest as well. You will also get lost in there"

"Then how will we find him? I can't just sit here and wait for him to come back. What if something happens to him?"

"Master, we were born and grew up here in the forest. I know the forest from the back of my hand. My sons also know the whole forest. They will go in search of Mr Shen"

"I will go with them, if there are more people we might find him sooner"

"Okay, let me call my sons and you all can leave as soon as possible"

Once when her sons came back with their weapons and torches we were ready to go in search of Wei.

"Why do you need a machete?"

"There are overgrown branches and weeds. To break them it would be necessary. Also there are wild animals deep in the forest. This machete would come in handy"


We immediately set out in search of Wei. We all kept calling out his name and moving forward. The forest was dark and mysterious. The high branches were looming above us. It looked like their outstretched hands and limbs were trying to grab us. It was difficult to follow the path due to the darkness. The torches were of little help. The sounds of night owls hooting and crickets chirping could be heard from everywhere. The crunching sound of branches could be heard as we would take a step at a time. The night sky was hidden behind the high trees. The moon shone its light across the forest like a blanket.

The path got more muddled and air turned foggy as we walked deeper into the forest. We could hear wolves howling far away.

"We need to find Mr Shen sooner or else it would be difficult for us to walk farther than this"

"I am not going back without Wei"

"Master, please understand! As time passes the forest becomes more dangerous"

"That is the same reason why we must find Wei as soon as possible. We won't be able to find him this way. We need to split!"

"Master, that's not wise. Since you don't know the forest well, you might get lost"

"I have been marking the trees since we left the cabin. It would be easy to find a way back. I will mark the trees from here by that you will also know where I will be"

"Okay Master, but take this machete you might need this"

"Okay! Stay safe"

We walk separate ways and start to look for Wei in different directions. The path I took was a little steep. I doubted Wei would take this path but there was no loss on looking here. Suddenly I heard a twig snap to my right and stood on alert. I quickly honed my torch at the direction looking for something suspicious. But it was just a squirrel running over the twigs. I seemingly relaxed and continued my path.

After walking for sometime, the thunder roared and lightning struck indicating of a downpour. I needed to find Wei before I get caught in the rain or else it would be difficult to look for him once it pours.

Wei's POV

It was pitch dark. My legs were moving cautiously, as if they have a brain of themselves. The sounds I could fanthom were the crispy sound each footstep of mine made. Distant hooting and howling sounds could be heard as well, but overpowering all these was the pounding of my heart. I could only see a little after my eyes got adjusted to the darkness. I relied on the nature and walked further. I kept moving, with the lurking fear of being pounced upon by an animal. I had a stick with me for my defense, but I doubt it is of much use in the melancholy dark with a potentially hungry animal.

All of a sudden, the crisp beneath my feet softened. I felt as if I were walking over sand. Not the dry one - the slimy sand. I was praying all the while, and increased the intensity now. My slipper started dipping in, occasionally touching my uncovered ankle. I clung onto dear life, praying to all the Gods in the Heavens beyond the back of my eyes could perceive. Soon I crossed the sand and stepped on hard land. I kneeled and tried to concentrate on what kind of sand it was and to my surprise I had overreacted to a puddle. I slapped myself on my head for being delusional, though staying in the darkness longer does play tricks on your mind.

Soon there was thunder roaring and lightning struck hard and within seconds the rain crashed on to the forest. I had no other choice than to run and find a shelter. I dodged trees and jumped low branches. The rain poured so hard that the grounds were getting slippery. During my run I did fall down and got cuts and bruises but it did not stop me from looking for a shelter. People say rain is like a open ground for the wild animals to hunt and I had no idea of being their dinner tonight.

Eventually I found a den and cautiously walked inside. Once I was sure that the cave was empty of any animals I settled in until the rain stopped. I was totally drenched and the night cold air was making me shiver. I hugged myself and kept rubbing my arms to keep me warm. I did see in some movies where people would build fire's with two stones. I did find stones but after many minutes I was not successful in creating a fire. Frustrated I threw the stones away and covered, waiting.

Suddenly, I heard a sound that made me quiver. I could hear wolves howling somewhere near by. I moved further back into the cave away from the eyes of any possible wild animal's. I was in a big mess now and wished Yunlan was with me.


Yunlan was still running trying to escape from the rain that was pouring hard on him. The heavy rain had drenched the torch due to which it stopped working halfway. Yunlan cursed, but still kept walking in the dark taking the support of trees surrounding him. Occasionally he could hear wolves howling nearby and grew more worried for Wei's safety. He had stopped shouting as he was tired and the downpour was also drowning his voice. Wei would not have been able to hear him as well.

After walking for some time, he found a cave and decided to take refuge. He was thankful that he found shelter but was constantly worried about Wei. Where would he be? Was he drenched as well? Did he find any shelter? Was he cold?. Yunlan sighed and walked further inside the cave to keep himself warm from the cold air and was astonished and surprised to find his love Wei leaning on a rock and sleeping peacefully. He looked really cold as he was shivering in his sleep.

He was so thankful and relieved that Wei was alright and he finally found him. Without waking Wei up he slide down beside him and slowly took him in his arms. Wei unconsciously snuggled closer and sighed a breath of relief but does not wake up. He smiles seeing the beautiful creature in his arms and close his eyes, but he doesn't go to sleep instead keeping a keen eye on any danger that would befall them.

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