Chapter 20

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"Uncle Shen!"

A child of 9 year old pulls my shirt to get my attention. I was sitting outside the cabin to enjoy the fresh air, when the child grabbed my attention.

"What is it Fui Fui"

"Grandma is asking for you"

"Do you know why?"

"I don't know"

"Okay, let's go!"

I was curious on to why did grandma ask of me. When I reached the entrance she was eagerly waiting for me looking anxious. I suddenly grew worried and hurried towards her.

"Grandma, what's wrong? Why do you look so worried?"

"Shen Wei, our boss is here"


"Yes, the one who owns this place"

"Okay! But why are you worried about it?"

"I don't know why but he is asking for you?"

I was surprised "Me? Why?"

"I don't know dear! He just asked for your name and asked me to send you to his room. Perhaps, do you know our boss?"

"No Grandma, how would I know anyone who would own this place. Infact, I....." I was suddenly tight lipped. A thought came to my mind. "What if it's Yunlan?" Then I ignored it. There is no way Yunlan will come to look for me, he himself broke it off between us. "Tell me where is his room. I will meet him"

"It's on the top floor, the suite room"

"Okay! Don't worry, I will be back soon"

I nod at Grandma and ruffle the kids hair before walking towards the room. As I reached, the door was surprisingly open so I cautiously walked inside looking for the person who asked for me. I see a broad shouldered man standing looking outside the window. I would recognize this person even if he was very far from me. I was not ready to meet him. I was so angry that I wuld definitely fight with him. I turn around and walk out the door.

Yunlan was waiting for Wei to come to his room. He was anxious and worried if Wei will ever talk to him again. Suddenly I hear footsteps and look just enough to see someone walk out the door and immediately run behind him.


Yunlan kept calling my name but I did not want to hear him at all. I completely ignore him and continue walking outside the cabin. Grandma was still waiting at the entrance, as soon as she saw me she was about to ask me about it but seeing my angry face she just looked at me walking away. She was also surprised to see her boss running behind me, as he kept calling my name.

Yunlan soon was able to catch me and stops me by grabbing my hand. "Yunlan, let me go. I have nothing to talk to you"

"Wei, please! Just listen to me"

"No...after what you did, you have no right to talk to me. We are strangers starting the day you sent the package. Leave me alone"

I try to pull my hand from his grip but he tightens it more.  "I won't let you go until you talk to me"

"How did you find me anyways? If I knew you are the owner of this place I would never have come here"

"Wei, I know you are angry and you have every right to be. Just give me a chance to explain myself. Please!"

I could see the desperation in his eyes and I knew I could not ignore it. He still had that effect on me. "Just 2 minutes, if I hear anything nonsense I am leaving"

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