Chapter 5

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Next morning I find myself sitting at the dinning table in Yunlan’s warehouse, I jot some notes down. Suddenly I remember the events from last night. My parents are so held up on my ex-boyfriend that they are making him the Chairman of our company. They don’t know how Zhu Jiu is, he was waiting for this opportunity and now he has got it. My mom is trying so hard to get me and Zhu Jiu back together. He was so bad to me. He always put work before me, never cared for me nor my needs. If I think this way, the Zhao family also puts work first. I wonder if Yunlan has a partner, well if he had he would ask me to change his schedule. It’s none of my business either if he has one. I don't even know if he has any interest towards men. Why am I thinking about this anyways. I take a deep breath and try to calm my speeding heart, which for no reason started beating like crazy. Now I also have to find a fake date to show my parents that I am taken. I had asked Xiang Li to find me one, wonder if he succeeded. Just then my phone rings and I see my favourite person calling me.

☆ Phone Call ☆


“Hey Li, did you find a date for me?”

“No, Zhang Pan, Wang Fang, Wang Xui Ying, Guozhi all are busy or taken. I couldn’t find anyone for you"

“What about Jinhai?”

“I am pretty sure he is getting married that day. And I am sure his wife would kill him if he skipped his wedding to be your fake date for the day"

“Li, I am in a deep shit. I need to find someone to be my fake date"

“I know Wei, but we do have back up guys.  Kang Min,Hong Hui, Huan Jin, Kang Lie....”

“Oh no, not them. They are the most shit head and wrecked guys. If I take one of them with me there is sure to be a disaster. I need to go for the plan B then. I have no other choice”

“Oh, you mean a person who is famous in business world, who has a wealthy family and who is supposed to be your boss?”

“I know who you are indicating to Li but no, I am not asking him"

“Then how about me? I can be a good boyfriend for you?”

I chuckle and shake my head. I get up from my chair and gather my papers. “That’s not a bad idea. I might create a bigger havoc if I take you there. Since Zhu Jiu hates you for being closer to me than he was"

MINUA" Yunlan shouts from his office and Li gasps. “Oh my god, does he really call you that?”

“He indeed does"

“That’s kind of sexy isn’t it?”

“It’s not the worst nickname Li”

“Yea, he could call you legs or something”

“You bring up my high school nickname and you are fired"

“Got it boss"

“Bye Li"

I hang up and head to the office. I step around the corner my heels making the clicking noise with every step. “Yes, Yunlan?”

“I changed my mind, your shoes needs to be changed. It’s disturbing my concentration”

“Change with what? Flipflops, crocs? I refuse to accept this order"

“Then you are fired!”

“Oh no, not again” I act as if I was devastated by the news of firing me. Then I look at him and pick the empty mug of his table. “Refill?”

Ted looks at me sternly but does not speak a word. “No, you can leave"

I turn around and head towards my desk. I could feel his eyes lingering on my back. “Minua, wait"

I turn to look at him “Yes?”


I walk back and take a seat in front of him. He stays quiet for a moment. “I heard you on the call. Personal call?”

“I don’t think that’s your business since you fired me"

“I heard that you are looking for a date, that too discussing this during business time. Of course, that makes me my business”

“Fine. I am going to a function which needs a date"

“And that makes you anxious because?”

He stares at me with his hot gaze and suddenly it feels like the room temperature increased to 10 degrees hotter. “W-Well, its a complicated situation”


“Are we done here? I need to leave"

“Yes, we are done"

“Okay, I’ll see you tomorrow”

I collect my things and head to the parking lot. Just as I turn around to close the gate, a shadow appears at the corner of my eye.


 I turn around to see a fine looking man smiling brightly at me. “Um, can I help you?”

 “My name is Da Qing, I am here to see my friend Yunlan. Would you let me in"

 “Let me ask Yunlan first"

 “I got his message right here, see"

 He scrolls on his phone and shows me a text message where Yunlan asked this guy to meet him. After confirming the text I let the stranger inside the warehouse.

 “Thanks, love"

 As he walks away I hear him mumble something “ Oh my god,  Bei Zhang sent a honey trap for Yunlan"

“What’s that supposed to mean"


Next morning I walk to the elevator thinking about having something new today. As I reach Yunlan’s office floor I get off and stride towards the room. As I enter inside, I stop dead in my tracks. A shirtless sweaty Yunlan looks up at me from his exercise mat and my lips curl up. He turns away from me continuing his exercise for abs.

“Working out? This early in the morning? God please have mercy on me"
The flex of his biceps whenever he moves up and down. The tight black shorts which makes a little effort on hiding his muscular thighs. His damp hair falls on his forehead and he makes a grunting noise whenever he flexes his muscles. The beads of sweat dancing on his muscled back is as distracting as my heels.

“Uhh...Good morning....didn’t expect to see you out here"

“Yes and here I am"

Yunaln gets up and stretches his muscles to relax his joints and does some squats in front of me. His butt peaking out of his short black tights is making me feel something inside my body.

“Let’s get to work"

I nod dumbly at his words as I stare at his ass as he walks to his office. “Damn that bastard Yunlan, making me look like a fool standing here and staring at his butt. I have got to pretend I didn’t see that. Seeing him as anything more than a bastard will make my job much difficult”

As I sit on my chair and try my best to concentrate on my papers, a steamy hot mug is slid near my hand and I see Yunlan still shirtless and looking at me with a mischievous smile on his face.

“Don’t think I didn’t notice you staring at me. “

“I was not. Isn’t it indecent to strip in front of your harmless assistant?”

“Indecent and harmless? Wow, that’s new words you are describing for yourself. Now let me be more indecent for your liking. I am going to take a shower here"

“What a childish man. He almost seems like a kid. Pouting on small matters, Making my life miserable”

I watch him walk away and turn to start working as well. But to my surprise I find it very difficult to concentrate and complete my work. But it seems that Yunaln’s biceps, his hair, his butt, his lips....keeps flashing in my head. I shake my head and get back to work. I try to avoid Yunaln for the whole day and walk out of my office after I finish my work. I had to meet Li today.

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