Chapter 8

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Rare's POV

I heard the doors open of my room and I woke up immediately. "Wear this" Nicola throws a bag on the bed. I got up and I went to the bathroom and showered and changed.

I came out of the bathroom and they all were in the room, waiting for me.

"So what's the plan now?" Drew asked me and everyone looks at me.

I sighed "what can we do ?" I questioned him back.

"I don't know your our leader, we follow you" he replied.

"We need help and our allies who I know of won't go against Simone. Even if they hate him" I said and Nicola nodded.

"So what's the plan" asked Nicola with curiosity.

"I was thinking about De Luca" and I sat down on a chair.

"De Luca? Are you serious? I mean right now, he wants you dead. So I don't think that possible" Nicola rumbles as she stands up from her seat.

"Sit down and listen" waiting for her to sit back on her seat "He's the most feared and our family were very close to eachother. We need trust back" I continues and I crossed my legs over eachother.

"How are we supposed to do that" Drew asked

"The hate started when his grandmother passed away. They thought that it was us but it wasn't and I'm sure of that" I stated.

"No one could find out who did in the past, what makes you think that we will find the person behind this, now ?" Drew asked.

"We make the difference. We just need to know who actually shot her and we might start getting the answer's " I said as I shrugged.

"There's a problem there. We only know that the person who killed his grandmother had our mafia symbol on his arm and many people in our gang had that and still do" Nicola said a she removes her computer.

"And there is no further information about her murderer besides that" Nicola continues as she looks at me.

"So now what?" Drew asked as he stands up in frustration.

"We meet Mr De Luca" I say.

"Are you gone mad? He will kill us " Nicola screams.

"Lower your voice. He won't, I know that." I said trying to make myself believe it too.

"What makes you so sure of that?" Nicola questions me.

"Because he had a chance to kill me many times but hasn't" I said as I let out a small grin on my face.

"We need a plan B too" Dawn speaks. She hasn't spoken a word since we started this meeting.

"Plan B? Umm... I want you to contact the American mafia,they might help us but keep you guard up. I also want you to keep on informing me about Igor and Simone I want know whatever they are doing" I tell them and they nod and start work.

"i tuoi genitori sono così orgogliosi di te" (your parents are so proud of you) John says all of a sudden.

My face saddens in the thought of my parents " how do you know that, they aren't here" I stand and go towards the door.

"They will always be there with you, watching over you" John assures me.

"So when are we going to go to our death place" Drew asks, trying to joke.

"After gathering some information. Say 4 ?" I tell him.

"Okay" he replies and goes back to work.

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