Chapter 27

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"You look tired" I said while we were walking through the garden.

"It shows on my face doesn't it" he chuckled at the end. I looked at him again and gave him a soft smile. Yes he was tired and exhausted. We've been through a lot lately and everything that's going on around us is not easy, we need to stay strong at all times thats what the heirs are always told.

"Tiny bit" I wrapped my hands around his arms and we walked together.

"I'm sorry for putting you into this mess when you already had your hands full " I gave him the sympathy look . I didn't want to get him in all of this. I wish I could fight without him but I needed him.

"Hey don't apologize for anything. I love you and I'll do anything for you" he said cupping my face.

"I know but isn't this too much. I mean look at all of this mess. Simone doesn't want to let go of me, we are getting new enemies everyday and I don't know whats in store for us next" I confessed to him what was eating me inside and driving me crazy. A part of me just wanted to get away from all this.

"I know Rare. It's tough that's what life is all about. If we have to be successful and get a peaceful life at the end of our journey without any regrets or pain we need to do this. We need to fight and win. We can't run away now"  He said looking deep into my eyes.

"I know but in the process I can't lose you" I said my deep thoughts that were bugging me since Simone met him came out.

"You're worried about that. I, Leonardo De Luca can't be defeated that easily" he said loudly with pride in his voice.

"Weren't you defeated by me early today?" I joked.

"I don't have any recollection of that happening" he acted as if didn't have any recollection of the fight. We laughed at it.

"Next time we'll have audience. So that you remember everything" I told him with a smirk on my face.

"What" I asked him since be was staring at me. I thought there was something wrong with my face.

"You're the source of my happiness, mio amore" (My love) he said in a deep tone.

"I never knew that you had your personal lake" I said trying to keep myself together and not fall weak when he speaks with full of affection.

"You never had one back home?" He asked.  He looked shocked. I shook head in response. He couldn't believe that. Why would I have a lake when I have a huge pool.

"What are you doing?" I asked him since he started to peel off his clothes.

"Skinny dipping. Everyone has seen my naked body, so i have no worries and swimming in the wilderness is something else." He said. He seems to love nature a lot. He has a beautiful garden and it kind of looks like a jungle too I guess he wanted that vibe too.

"Why are you fully clothed? Come on strip. You'll have fun" he questions, when he was done removing his clothes.

"I don't think-" before I could continue he cuts me off. "It'll be fun, I promise" I start removing my clothes. I felt the cold wind touching my bars skin when I removed my finally item that was covering a part of my body.

"Do you trust me?" He grabs my hand. When I said yes he takes me into the water.

"See" he puts his hands around my hips keeping me close to him. I could see his eyes were clouded with desire.

"Its cold" I said with my teeth chattering. He pulls me closer giving me his body heat.

"You'll get used to it" I put my arms around him as well. I wrap my legs around his waist. His hands go for my butt cheeks and he starts messaging them.

Stronger TogetherOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz