Chapter 18

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Leo's POV

"You need to stay in bed" Enzo said. I ignored him. Those people are powerful. They could do anything to her, I won't stay in bed is he gone mad.

"Anything on the security cameras?" I asked Nicola.

"I'm looking at the car. It's still connected to my device. So I can easily track it" she looks back at her laptop.

"Found the car its near a motel" she showed us the location.

"I'll look into it you need to rest" Matteo is trying to stop me.

"Don't tell me what to do" I pushed him aside.

We reached the motel "have you seen this girl" I asked the receptionist.

"No haven't seen her. I do the morning shift" he went back to work.

"can you contact the person who does the night shift?" I asked him.

"No dude I don't have contact with her. Sorry" he shrugged.

"I want to see the CCTV footage " I asked him with patience.

"Sorry man can't do" when he said that my patience was very thin. I removed my gun and pointed it at him.

"I want to see the fucking footage" he raises his hands up.

"Umm this way" he shows us the way.

"Here" he starts a computer.

"Play last night" he does what I say in fear.

I saw Rare gets in the motel but after few minutes the camera go blank.

"Whats this?" I asked the man.

"I don't know man. I just" he tries to figure out what's going on but he can't.

"Go check that room she was in and the whole motel" I ordered my men.

"She's not her "Matteo said.

"Please don't kill me. I don't know anything " I put my gun back in and leave the motel.

We went back to the house. "I didn't find her" I speck loudly.

"She'll come back. She knows what she's doing "Drew said. I walk closer to him with our faces inches apart.

"If she's dead when I find I'm going to kill you" I wasn't thinking straight my mind was all over the place. I was thinking of different possibilities that could happen but I wishes for the good ones. I need her back.

Rare's POV

I slowly open my eyes, my head hurts. When I raise my head I see a man sitting opposite me.

"You're awake. I thought you're maybe dead but you're not. That's good" he said with a heavy Russian accent.

"You've must have heard of me. I'm madman" he said as he stood up from his seat.

"You're really beautiful" he came closer to my face. I spit on his face and his face turns into a scrowl. He slaps me hard on my face .

"I was thinking of giving you less pain but I think I'll just forget it now" he stood infront of a stroller which had different tools.

"I just want to say. Whenever you get a smart person tied them up to a steel chair never a wooden chair " I screamed at him.

I stood up with my chair still tied up to me and jumped and falling back, crashing the chair. I grabbed his leg and he hits the ground. I grab a tool but before I could do anything, he punched me on the face. I see the guns on the men that came in. I got madman off of me and twisted his arm, breaking it. Some man came from behind and caught me. I elbowed a guy who was holding me and grabbed his gun. I shoot him and the other guy. I grabbed madman and hold him infront of me for protection.

"Let him go" one of the men said.

"I will" I look at them with a smirk on my face. I shoot them and they shoot back at me but it hits madman.

I let go of him. "You're an assassinator, madman, nice name. I'm guessing Simone sent you. Am I right? " I sat on the chair that he was sitting and looked down at him.

"Am. I. Right?" I put pressure on his twisted arm and he screams.

"I always despised you" I whispers in his ears.

"I wish i could talk to you longer but i can't" I shoot his other arm and both legs. I grabbed him by his hair and slit his throat. I cut off his head and took it with me. I shoot the people who tried to kill me and placed small grenades along my way out. The grenades explodes one by one.

I stole a car on my way "where the fuck am I ?" it looks like it's going to be a long drive.

I made sure that no one followed me. I stole this car from a Café. I didn't stop for anything, I couldn't take chances.

I got off the car when I reached my destination. I knocked the door and Pablo answered the door with his gun raised at me.

I got in leaving him at the doorway, shocked. I entered and I saw Leo standing, with his back turn infrontof me "missed me" I said and everyone turned their attention at me.

"I told you she'll be fine" Drew said pointing his finger at Leo. Everyone sat on their chair relaxed.

"Where the fuck were you?" Leo asked angrily.

"Got you a present" I said as I kept the bag on the table. He removed the content from the bag on the table and madmans head rolled out of the bag.

"Oh Jesus " Eugenio said when he saw the head.

"Whats this?" Leo asked me. I sat on the nearby chair.

"He was responsible for the attack at the safe house " I told him.

"This head is of madman" Drew gasped.

"Looks like Simone knew that I'm with you" Leo looked at me.

"He could have killed you" I liked that he was concerned but I'm stronger than him, I think.

"But he didn't actually it's the other way around. I killed him" I stressed on the last three word.

"I need to change" I got up and left the room to change. I looked at Nicola. "Where's my cloths?" I asked her, she pointed at the room.

I left the room "Everyone it's been a long day go get some sleep" I announced through the room and they slowly leave the room.

I headed towards the kitchen and poured a glass of water and drank it. I saw an apple and grabbed it.

I stopped infront Leo room and opened the door. "You should be asleep and not walking around" he looks at me.

"You can't feel the pain but your bleeding" he keeps on looking at me.

"How did you know? "He asked me. I got in the room and closed the room behind me.

"Instincts. I'm always right you know" I replied to him and he laughs.

"Are you hurt?" He asked me walking toward me checking me.

"I'm fine just tiny bruises" he stares at me not saying anything.

"What are you doing to me?" I broke the silence.

"What are you talking about?" He was clear confused.

"I don't know. Why do you always help me, caring for me when everyone tells you that I'm just using you. You could have left me on the street, you could have trade me to Simone to get benefitted or just stopped searching for me" I stopped for a bit "when I first entered I could see that you were putting them in hell, pressurized them to search from me. You don't get any benefits but still you do it, I was you enemy, you.should be hating but you clearly don't. why? Why?" I asked him. I don't know why but I just did.

"Because I love you" I stood there, shocked


Oh my gawd. Yahh he finally confessed, it took him long.


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