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Even with the sun shining down on me, I felt as if I was in the dark.


"You want me to do this? By myself?" I was working on handing in some of my designs when Cha told me she wanted me to sign up for the Sarnai competition.

I always knew she was out of her mind.

There's over a thousand people that participate in that competition every year, they have yet to find a winner. Yeah, exactly. They've never had a winner. She's deliberately ruining my life.

"Lida, this would be good for you. You're always showing off your designs." She flips through our newest catalogue, not paying me any attention—not even caring about what I'm saying to her. 

"No, I'm always showing them to you so you can help me improve, maybe have me work with you on your next designs. But you've decided to throw a mouse into a cage full of cats."

"Sweetie, I'm throwing a cat in a cage full of mice." She stands up, walking towards me. Her long platinum hair hangs like a curtain on her back, moving side to side as she reaches me. I crane my neck to look up at her, what is it with everyone in the fashion industry being giants? I'm not even that short. I'm 5"5, which is average.

"You're going to crush the competition, Lida. You're so much more talented than any other asian I've worked with. I pushed you and it's helped you, has it not?"

I look up at her, "You mean to tell me that you made racist comments towards me so I could succeed? Are you psycho or just oblivious to how stupid that sounds?"

"I may be... indifferent towards people who don't look like me, but that doesn't mean they're not talented. You're obviously not on my level, of course, but you've got skills."

"Do you even hear yourself? You're so—"

"Amazing? I know. Crius Arryn will be your model."

Crius? I'd rather walk the runway myself.

"Isn't he busy? Doesn't he have better things to do?"

She tucks a strand of hair behind my ears and I fight the urge to whack it away from me. "He does, but he's choosing to be considerate and offer his precious time to you."

She's making me sound like a pity case. If he wants to pity someone, he shouldn't pity me. "How about you tell him to take his precious time elsewhere? I don't need it because I'm not gonna do it."

Cha lightly grabs my shoulders. "Don't be immature, Alida. This is an opportunity of a lifetime. Sarnai happens ever five years and you're lucky to be given this chance, especially with my connections, as well as your Moms. I adore you, Alida. I'm trying to help you because I care about you."

I inwardly cringe at her affection and I cringe at the mention of my Mom.

Just like my Mother, Cha only cared about herself. She was manipulative and indecisive. One minute she'll tell me to join Sarnai, the next she'll tell me to stick by her and never leave. It's only a matter of time before she kicks me out only to take me back in. 

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