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breathing is enough, even if i don't feel alive.

The slap across my face burned. Keeping my head down, I listened to the woman use me as her punching bag. Emotionally and physically. "Your designs are shit. You really thought you could win with those designs?"

Her house was bigger than my penthouse. Of course it was, she wasn't gonna live in a tiny place. She was Thea afterall. She stood in front of me, my designs in her hand. I still couldn't believe Sorin betrayed me like that.

And all for what? Money.

"No," I replied. Jeremy, the man from the photoshoot, stood behind her. He was watching carefully, as if he were analyzing what kind of therapist my mother needed to see tomorrow.

Mother raised her hand again. I closed my eyes, anticipating the next slap. "Maybe hold back on the hitting, Thea." Jeremy stepped forward, holding her arm back when I opened my eyes.

"I didn't ask for your opinion, Jer." But she listened to him. She dropped her hand. An agitated breath escaped her lips as she turned to look at me again.

"Of course you didn't," he muttered.

Her glare was burning holes in my skin and I had questions I wanted answered. She had no right to be angry with me. Sarnai is my right.

"Did you make Sorin do this?" I asked her, leveling my eyes with hers. Sadly, my mother was a tall woman and her height made her look intimidating.

"Who?" She looked back at Jeremy who rolled his eyes. "The guy who's been watching Alida for you."

He's been watching me? That little shit. I knew it was someone closeby.

"Oh him? I didn't force him if that's what you're asking."

Yes, I know. Now that I think about it, he was a greedy little hoebag.

"The poor girl, look at her face. You liked him, didn't you? Or was it Crius you liked?" Jeremy watched my expression carefully, but I didn't show him anything. I was locked and hidden, not putting my guard down in front of them. "Maybe you have a thing for threesomes and liked both." He shrugged.

I was grossed out.

This man was like fifty, and he was talking about my love life. He was assuming things, it was disgusting.

"Please, shut up." I thanked mom on the inside, what a weird man. "I told you to drop out,

didn't I?" She asked, holding my chin up with her long ass nail.

"You did," I replied.

"And yet you didn't."

"I didn't."

"I thought we were over your rebellious stage."

"So, trying to live a life is now being a rebel?"

"Don't act smart with me," her nail was beginning to hurt.

"How can I act when I already am?" I whispered.

"What was that?" If this was a cartoon, she'd have smoke coming out of her ears.


Her hand rose up to slap me, this time Jeremy didn't stop it.

It was rough and hard and it burned.

I bit my lip, it was bleeding.

"These are some pretty neat designs," Jeremy flipped through the pages.

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