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A/N: hi


Adeline Campbell

I catcht up a lot of needed sleep when I first arrived, texting my mother first so that she'd know. I would hate for her to text me only to find me passed out in my bed. It happened enough times, it would be a bit embarrassing now.

Its around 2PM.

I didn't remember Washington being so cold, it actually shocked me a bit since in all the movies I saw about Washington DC it was always summer wear and never clothes for cold weather. But I guess I shouldn't have put my trust in movies, after all they're just movies.

I didn't hesitate to put a sweater on as soon as I woke up, my dress now laying on the floor as I walk around in my sweater and panties. My huge sweater is basic white, not really having anything else on it. Its comfortable though, so its okay.

I'm looking for my lost leggings right now, they should be here somewhere. I think I put it in the living room where my bag is but I'm not sure.

Luckily I didn't leave it in the plane, my heart stopped when I thought of that possibility. But I soon remembered holding it in my hand after I got out of the plane. So that can't be the case... I hope.

Suddenly the door knocks a couple of times, my eyes widen in confusion at first but then I remember the room service that I called. I really felt the need to drink some coffee or at least a cup of tea. Along with some croissants.

I immediately sprint around in my room, desperately looking for my leggings. There's no way I'll open the door like this. Finally, I spot the black pair of leggings. My heart jumps in excitement and I grip it in a rush, stumbling towards the door at the same time while I put the piece of clothing on.

By the time I'm getting closer to the door it knocks again, "Coming!" I call out, snickering to myself a while later.

That's what she said.

As soon as everything is safely on I open the door, my senses getting hit with the smell of warm croissants and coffee. I look at the room service table that the person in front of me is pushing around.

"Here you go," they say and smile at me, I smile back in excitement of the food. I'm actually starving, I couldn't eat anything before this tour started but now that the stress of coming here is over I'm hungrier than ever.

"Thank you so much" I thank her and take the table from her, not wanting to keep her longer than I already did with the whole leggings fiasco.

She closes the door behind me and calls a small, "No worries"

I grip the table gently and slowly push it into the room, being careful with my actions since I don't want to spill it anywhere. Its honestly something that would happen to me. I let it rest in the middle of the rather huge room and place both of my hands on my hips as I look around a bit. Does this room have a chair somewhere?
There's one but its too far away and has its own table. But to reach that I'd have to go through the thicker carpet in which's way I'd spill everything.

I breath out a tired breath and take the cup of coffee in my hands, ready to finally take a sip of caffeine. Just as my lips are about to touch the old porcelain I hear another knock on my door. This one startles me a little in the inside because I have no idea who this could be.

It can't be my mother, she'd call first. It can't be the room service either, she just came here. Maybe she forgot something?

I slowly walk towards the door, confusion clouding my mind before I open the door for the person who knocked and look up. Literally look up at the rather tall person.

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