Chapter thirteen

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It's a Tuesday. Their last day in Paris.

"Ryujin?" Yeji says, laying her head on the pillow of their shared hotel bed.

"Yeah?" The younger girl says back, throwing her clothing into her own suitcase.

"Do you think this has made us closer?"

Ryujin, slightly startled by the bold question, stops piling her clothes into her bag for a moment.

Yeji sees the look on her crushes face, and wonders if maybe she's said something wrong.

Her crush also notices the fact that Yeji has seen her pause, "I think so."

Yeji smiles, wanting to hear that she wasn't going insane inside her head. That Ryujin also thinks this trip has made them closer.



"Hurry, Yeddeong, we can't be late!" Ryujin yells in to the hotel room, watching Yeji scurry around to try and gather any last-minute things that she almost left.

"I'm trying!"

Ryujin laughs at the frantic voice of the cute, rushing, girl. "Our plane leaves in like," she turns to look at the clock, "Two hours!"

"I know— I know, okay."


Yeji finishes, grabbing her toothbrush and hairspray and shoves it in her bag. "I'm done. Let's go."

They leave as soon as the words are said, calling a taxi, (and almost getting hit) and making it to the airport fifteen minutes later.

Ryujin, is quite stressed about this. She is the type of person to make sure everything is done perfect, nothing out of order. Which is why she's nagging at Yeji and her slow self so much. She doesn't feel bad, but she's not happy about it either. She doesn't want to raise her voice to anyone, let alone Yeji.

"Are you coming?" This time, Yeji is the one to ask, as Ryujin is admiring the last view of Paris that she'll get to see. She soon realizes, she's being quite hypocritical.

"Yes." Ryujin speaks, shaking her head to take it all in while walking towards the girl she has yet to admire this morning.

The check-in goes quite well, no mishaps or any other problems. It runs very smoothly all up until the plane ride.

Ryujin has the window seat, Yeji taking the one closest to her. There's nobody in the seat closest to the lane, Yeji wanting to request it that way. She didn't end up requesting though, it's funny how it worked out.

Yeji has her hair tied up in two French braids. She's wearing a baggy, grey, sweater that has a name of a university scribbled on it in a mediocre font, and she has on a pair of black sweatpants with a Hello Kitty embroidered on it. She looks comfy, but effortlessly pretty. She's looks naturally perfect. Ryujin almost wants to tell her.

"I wish I could have taken more pictures." Yeji breaks the silence, while resting her head atop of Ryujin's shoulder. A move that still places butterflies in Yeji's stomach no matter how many times she done it on this trip.

Ryujin sighs, "We took a lot Yeddeong, you'll have enough."

The older girl tips her head up slightly so she's looking at her Ryujin's face. The one she's grown to be so close with over the short amount of time. She wonders if this was really just a trip for them to get pictures, because it doesn't feel like it. She could only wonder if Ryujin actually does like her back.

"I know. I wanted more though, for me to keep. For us to keep."

Ryujin's heart practically skips a beat in her chest, blushing slightly at the words that just had come out of Yeji's mouth.

"It's okay."

"It shouldn't be."

"It's fine, Yeji."


"This is stressful." Yeji says a couple of minutes later. Head still resting on top of her crushes shoulder, hair tickling the side of Ryujin's neck.


"Because I'm tired, on a plane, and my outfit looks as if a child bought it."

Ryujin can't help the laugh that escapes her mouth. "What?"

"Stop laughing at me." Yeji replies, trying to get comfortable on the pink-headed girl. Snuggling her head into the side of her neck, a place where her flyaway hairs once were.

"Sorry, sorry. What's wrong with any of the things you just listed?"

"Because I'm in high school, leaving Paris, and I have to go back to school in a week."

Ryujin giggles again, "Why is that bad?"

"Why wouldn't it be?"

"Never mind. You said you're tired?" She can feel it as Yeji nods. "Okay then, so sleep. I'm not going anywhere."

"Really?" She lifts her head up for the first time since placing it in its resting spot.

Ryujin shrugs, "Sure, I don't mind."

Yeji could practically melt.

"Okay then. Tell me if it's too uncomfortable."

"Ill be fine, Yeddeong."

Yeji giggles. It's music to Ryujin's ears.

"Okay, goodnight Ryuddaeng."

"Goodnight." She says back, laughing a bit at the whole encounter.

She waits until Yeji's breaths get even, before whispering.

"You look parfaite baby."

A/N: i know, I KNOW. It's been a month. I've decided to continue this book because you guys love it so much. In the time this has been updated, we hit 1k reads!! Thank you!! I could cry seeing all your nice comments!!! I'm really glad you like it.

I promise I will try and post more, school has been so stressful. As always, thank you so so much for loving this story!!

Comment what you think :)

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