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I don't want to sound like one of those girlfriends who gets scared once there boyfriend goes out but I am. Jacob has been doing his thing with his band and it's not that I'm not supportive but it's hard to see him doing something completely without me. I wish I could share the experience with him but I know that's not possible. I guess I'm jealous but I really don't want to be. I want to be able to be okay when he leaves but I don't think I'll ever get used to him not being there.

Jacob is asleep next to me but I could barely sleep. It's like everything is different but I want it to be the same. His alarm goes off for four a.m. and I groan. I shake Jacob to wake him up so he can shut off the obnoxious ringing. He reaches his hand out and turns it off. Jacob usually kisses me good morning but he yawns and winks at me. "Sup." He says.

I smile and look around his apartment. Jacob brushes his hair behind my shoulder making me flinch. He presses his soft lips against the skin on my neck and slowly inches toward me. I would be okay with this but I don't like how things are now. "Whatever." Jacob mumbles and heads toward the bathroom.

I roll my eyes and lay down sighing. I reach for his phone and start searching for the reviews of a book I've been craving to read. I hear Jacob come out the bathroom and he snatches the phone out my hand. "What the fuck Amour?"

"What?" I sit up confused at why he's yelling at me. Jacob looks at me and shoved his phone in his sweatpants.

"Could you stay off my phone?"

"I didn't do anything!" I say looking up at him getting emotional. This is exactly how my dad treats me. "Why are you being so mean?"

"Why are you snooping around on my phone?" He hovers over me making his eyes look even more threatening.

I shake my head looking down. "I was not snooping. You can look." I cross my arms over my chest. "You're acting like a jerk."

"No I'm not. You're just scared of me having a life outside you." He shakes his head and walks out of his bedroom.

I get up to go talk to Jacob and see him on the couch on his phone. "I didn't mean to invade your personal space." I say even though he is acting like a bitch.

"Well you did." He retorts and shakes his head once again.

I sit down next to him feeling like a type of disease. "Do you want to break up?"

Jacob types something on his phone and puts it face down. "No."

"Well that sounds heart felt." I get up and grab my bag. Jacob grabs my arm quickly making me turn around.

"I'm sorry. I've just been stressed. I don't want you to feel like I don't care. I love you and you know that. Don't think I want to end things." He pulls me down on his lap and kisses my lips lightly.

I sat there looking past him out the window. "What do you mean you don't think? Is our relationship some guessing game?"

He rolls his eyes throwing his head back on the couch. "Amour I get that it may be hard for you seeing me going places and you having to be here-"

"Jacob that's not why I'm mad. It's the fact that you don't care about us anymore."

He places his hand on the back of the couch groaning. "Just because I don't lose my hair every time you have a sullen face on doesn't mean I've suddenly become some jackass. I can't be your babysitter."

I look at him surprised and get up grabbing my things. "I'm so sorry that you had to take care of me all this time." I slam the door on the way out and begin jogging down the stairs. Fuck Jacob. I don't shove it in his face that I'm upset so that he can ask questions he just does that.

I take a seat on the dirty steps burying my head in my hands. I feel someone sit next to me and can tell it's the jackass. "What?" I move more over to the wall and cross my hands.

"Amour I'm sorry."

I start crying as I look at the wall. Jacob and I barely fight and he's never that rude to me. It's not like I don't understand that he's doing things but why does our relationship have to be in jeopardy.

"I get it- you don't really have time for a relationship. It's fine if you don't." I make sure my hair is hanging so I can cover my face.

Jacob's hand rubs my shoulder slowly. "I am really busy with all the things Walter-"

I jump up nervously. I don't want him to actually say he wants to breakup. I honestly don't know what I would do without Jacob. He's always been there for me and I don't know how it will be without him. "I'm gonna go home."

"Amour listen to me." Jacob shots up and holds my shoulders.

"I don't want to if you're gonna say what I think you are. Your busy and I get it and I'm gonna go home and cry a little. I'll be fine, I always am." I try to turn but he keeps me still by keeping me facing him. I look up at him pouting, why does he have to be so cute.

Jacob begins to lean forward and I freeze which I haven't done since we were nine and experimenting in his room. I step into him once his lips reach mine knowing this is the infamous goodbye kiss that every chick-flick talks about. He pulls away from me and it's like he's become some type of god. "Amour I love you-"

"But you can't-"

"Shut up." He chuckles and brings his hands down to my waist. "I'm not breaking up with you."

"You're not? I thought that maybe because of everything you would but that's good that you don't want to because I'm happy with us and like if you aren't then I mean you should tell me because I could learn to understand because I'm an understanding person I can-"

Jacob's thumb presses against my lips and we both laugh. "Just shut up." He bring my face to his while backing me up into a wall. I smirk as he slowly leans down and presses his lips against mine slowly.

"Am I bad girlfriend?" I ask in the middle of our kiss but he continues kissing me.

He pulls away after holding my jaw in his perfect hands. "You're the best girlfriend I could have asked for. I'm the shitty person in this relationship I took my eyes off of the only thing I love. This morning shouldn't have happen and I'm sorry for that."

I nod and hug him. Jacob laughs at me and picks me up. I wrap my legs around his torso and cuddle my neck in his. "I really don't want us to split up."

"Don't worry you're so stuck with me."


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