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I smile at Amour as she struggles to do simple things when she's nervous. Her hands shake as she tries to pull the paper of the straw over and I help her making us both laugh. "Sorry." She whispers so the guys don't here.

Roc Royal and Prodigy wanted to meet Amour and I wanted them to get to know her. I've put this bad image of Amour in there mind and I feel really bad for exaggerating and lying on her. We all went out to lunch and Amour is nervous thinking they're judging her. I can tell by her pulling at her sleeves and the tucking of hair behind her hair that she's going crazy with nerves.

I lean down and kiss her cheek. Ray turns his head to us glaring. I guess he thought that since he's single I would leave Amour alone to help him out but I didn't. He doesn't like Amour which suck but I feel like he'll grow to like her. She's not a bad person she just is shy or either confident sometimes. I guess her personality could throw some people off.

"So Amour does Elaine like love you?" Roc says to break the awkward silence.

She shrugs, "I guess. We've just gotten really close over the year."

"Well if Elaine didn't like you I doubt you would still be dating Jacob." Ray mutters into his drink then gulps it down.

"What do you mean?" She says and turns to him.

"I lost my girlfriend because I wasn't spending enough time with her but you- you get to cling on to Jacob like a leash and you come to the house when we're there for ten, twelve hours. All of us got to leave who we want to be with but since you can tilt your head the right way for a camera you can stay and have privileges. All four of us had girlfriends but you don't see any of them hanging around the house. You're just an imbecile who can take pictures." He slams his drink down staring Amour in the eye.

I look down to her and her eyes are watering. As I begin to say something she gets up and walks out of the restaurant.

"Why would you do that!" I yell at Ray never knowing that anyone would speak to her like that.

Ray shrugs. "It's the truth! We all talk about it! She needs to stop coming to the house."

"Yeah man it's sort of annoying." Roc adds and I turn to Prodigy who just leans back in his seat.

"Fuck y'all." I push my seat back and come out the restaurant looking for Amour. I get in my car driving around but I still don't see her. I press my head against the steering wheel praying she'll be at the apartment.

Elaine walks into the studio with an attitude. Walter goes over to her but we continue to practice. I hear them arguing in the corner but can't make out the words. Elaine screams out my name making all of us jump. I walk over to her nervously and she grabs my arm walking out the studio into the hallway. "Where's Amour." she leans into her hip and it's the first time she scared me.

I shrug. "We went to lunch with the guys and they got a little jealous of her being in the house but there girlfriends can't come. She got hurt and left and I haven't seen her since then."

"For two days Jacob?" She shakes her head and presses her hand against her forehead.

"This is what Amour does." I say and suddenly am ashamed of being okay with her wandering the streets.

Elaine walks into the studio and everyone stands still waiting for her to say something. Everyone is scared of Elaine. "I don't want anyone speaking wrong to Amour alright? You don't know her. You're girlfriend aren't aloud here because they don't have a purpose here. I'm her manager and I meet your girlfriends, I don't like them and this is my house so get over it." She turns to me rubbing her temples. "Jacob come with me."

I turn and walk behind her Walter tried to stop her from dragging me along but She sent him a look to tell him she wasn't playing. "Alright I'll drive around in this neighborhood, go to all the places I've taken her and you drive around where you think she'll be. Call me if you find her and take her straight home." Elaine pull out her wallet and hands me some money. "But her something to eat. Healthy. But if she doesn't want to eat healthy then don't force her." Elaine gives me a hug and runs in her heels to her car.

This isn't that bad. Amour always wanders off. She's not a child, she knows where she's going. Elaine makes me feel like World War III will break out. I take the long drive back to my shitty neighborhood and switch my head back and forth to see if she's here. I drive past a mini forest that we have and smile. "I got this." I get out making sure I have my phone to tell Elaine I found her. I walk in looking around and see her bright pink dress in the corner of my eye. I go over by this rock and she's fast asleep. i call Elaine quickly and pick Amour up. "Wake up Amour."

She screams and rolls out of my hands. I look down at her and she rubs her head that now covered in leafs. "You okay?"

She looks up and nods. "How'd you find me?"

"What's more Amour then a forest at night." I help her up and she falls into me.

"Sorry." She says and dust the mud she got on me off. I laugh and kiss her. "I didn't brush my teeth in two day."

"Well I just want you to know I'm happy to see you." I hold her hand and this time it fits perfectly. We start walking and I see her limping. "What happened?"

Amour shakes her head. "Nothing. I just feel weird." She lies and continues to limp. I pick her up and she looks to her swollen ankle. "I got into a fight with some guys and they pushed me in her."

"Which guys?"

She shrugs. "They were just trying to scare me and I tripped badly."

"That's it?"

Amour looks up at me and tucks her hair behind her ear. "I think they were trying to- you know, but I hid behind some rocks and stuff."

I groan and look to see if anything else happen. "You can't keep running away from things."

"Well I think I'd be a pretty damn good track star."


I'm sorry it's been so long!! Hope you guys like the book.

Do you think Ray is wrong to be mad at Amour?

Do you love or hate Amour and Elaine's relationship?

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