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Jacob's slowly turning into the spitting image of my dad. Of course Jacob isn't hitting me but he isn't treating the way I should be. Not saying I should be laced with diamonds but he should treat me like his equal. I already have no choice to be submissive to my dad but I should never have to be that way with Jacob.

His head is being filled up with the things his manager is saying. Jacob takes pride of being the pretty boy in the group and he's even talk me with his look he could get any girl he want. His singing is nice but honestly I've heard better. Not trying to take credit away from him but he shouldn't be acting like he's suddenly the new singing Channing Tatum.

The part of me that I hate is screaming not to leave him. I know I shouldn't be with him like this but leaving him won't make me happy. Not to long ago he was the single only thing that made me happy. I doubt he cares about anything that happens to me. If I come in his apartment with a black eye he'll sit on the couch and wait for me to fix myself in the bathroom. This may be a phase in his career, the ones that the celebrities talk about getting over.

Jacob switches through channels until he finds some random movie. His arm wraps around my shoulders bringing me more into his chest. I adjust myself so I'm not taking in his armpit sweat.

"You know Elaine's been asking about you." My ears jump at Elaine's name. Believe it or not the long months ago when she told me she would teach me through modeling has kept me smiling.

I raise off of Jacob's chest and turn to his unsettling face. "What she say?"

"She wants me to drive you down there, by the house and let you spend the night. Apparently she has some niece that she can't stop talking about that also wants to model."

I start squeezing Jacob's clammy hand. "Oh my gosh! I thought that maybe she forgot about me but then with you going there I thought how could she? It's going to be so much fun. I can picture it Jacob." I notice my rambling after I look at his bugged out eyes

"The problem is I don't think you should do it." His hands slides up and down my arm trying to comfort me.

I squeeze my eyebrows together. "But why would-"

"Amour I know Elaine better than you. I don't think it's a great idea. Plus all those models turn out all gaunt and nasty."

I roll my eyes and sit back on the couch. "That's a stereotype." I grab a pillow and squeeze it in my hands annoyed. "Why can't you support me?"

"Because." He says with his eyes glued to the tv screen. I shove his shoulder to get his attention and he sighs. "Amour come on do you really want to do this?"

"Yes!" I jump up on the couch so I'm turned to him. "Just support me like I support you."

Jake chuckles. "What I'm doing is completely different from what you are."

"But I still support you." I lean back on the couch looking away from him feeling myself about to bawl. He's just a complete jerk and he knows he is but in his mind it's okay to be fucked up since he's going places. I take a deep breathe to hold in my tears. I'm not going to cry in front of him ever again.

Jacob scutches over to me and wraps his arms around my waist. "Babe I'm only trying to do what's best for you."

"Oh shut up." I break his hands from around my waist moving more to the corner of the couch. "Amour seriously? I'm trying to look out for you! What happens when they find all your cuts and bruises. You're beautiful but do you think they'll just cover you in a long sleeved turtle neck? They'll ask a whole load of questions."

I shake my head in disbelief. How could he say that? "They'll probably think that you did it."

"I never hit you!" He yells and grabs my wrist in his hand.

"It's not like you don't want to." I pull my hand away and bring my feet up on the couch covering my face with my legs. I'm not stupid. I notice his hand turning into a fist when we fight and that's exactly what my dad does before he strikes me.

Jacob eases towards me and lays his hand gently on mine. "Amour I've been a little different but I'd never hit you. I don't want to hit you. I'd never hurt you like that. I promise you. You can think I'm a jackass or whatever else but please don't think that way of me. I do love you Amour."

I smile on the inside hearing how Jacob used to be. I shouldn't have thought that of him I guess but it's difficult to think of him hurting me physically.

"Look I'll take you tomorrow to see Elaine." He kisses my cheek and turns his head to the movie.


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