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"I think I'm gonna give him one more chance. Just one. This is the last time." I say to Marcus as I walk around the room looking for my dress. He nods on the bed and I can tell he's annoyed with the Jacob drama but I can't give up on him this easily. "What? Are you upset or something?"

He shakes his head. "Not at all I'm just in a hotel room with a naked model and all she can talk about is her boyfriend." He laughs and stares at me. I look down to my lace set and giggle. "But really I'm just upset you are giving him another chance."

"Everyone deserves another chance." I walk over to my dress and jump into it. "Plus I love him and I can't just walk away like that."

Marcus rolls his eyes. "You gave him fifty chance. He treated you like shit you forgave him. He cheated on you now you go on a date with him? What type of low standards are you working with?" Marcus gets up and walks over to me. I look at him questioned as to why he's so upset. I mean yeah he might like me but he's a player if he can't have me there's twenty better looking ones he can have.

"You know what? My low standards are not low standards. Jacob is not a low standard. If anything he's a high. I loved him since I could love and for crying out loud he's hot and now he's famous. I'm shooting high."

"Besides the fact that he's a dickhead."

I roll my eyes and start letting my curl down in the mirror. "That's your opinion."

"I'm sure anyone with an opinion would say the same. You're just blinded by love or whatever love story you are dreaming of." He comes behind me and zips the dress up I look at him and roll my eyes. "I would treat you better."

"Yeah if we weren't exclusive."

"What you think I can't be exclusive. Honey I can fuck one girl if I truly loved her. I just think you wouldn't be up for it."

"Up for what all the fucking or all your bullshit?" I look back at him taking the attention off my hair and he rolls his eyes.

"I wish I was gay sometimes so I didn't have to deal with women. You guys are so complicated and annoying." He says and we both laugh.

"So be gay. Since women are just too much for your male brain to handle."

"Pussy is too good."

There's a knock on the door and I get up smiling. "I look good right?"

Marcus smiles at me and starts walking over to the bed. "He better not say anything about me being here."

I open the door and Jacob is standing there all cute and all pretty. I mean so hot. It's like he's getting hotter everyday. "You look gorgeous." His eyes scan me down and then he moves his head. "Is that a guy."

"Yeah." Marcus says and looks at him. "It's Marcus, the model."

"The thirty year old." Jacob says with a raised lip and I groan.

"I'm twenty five and when I'm forty I'd still look better than your Mexican ass."

Jacob moves me out of his way and steps in my room. "What you have a problem or something?"

"Yeah you're are dickhead and cheated on her cute ass." Marcus points to me and I sigh. Marcus sees I'm annoyed and changes the channel. "I got a short temper get the fuck out of my face." He says calmly and stops acknowledging Jacob.

"Can we leave or would you rather fight?"

Jacob looks at me like I'm crazy. "He's the one that started it. I mean I come here and the second I see him he insults me and you blame me?"

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