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I can tell something is wrong with Jacob. The way he came out of Walter's office makes me worry. He looks excited but at the same time scared. Jacob puts his arm around my waist and walks with me out Walter's house heading to his car.

"What happen?" I ask.

He shakes his head and walks me to the passenger seat. I get it and he sits in the driver seat placing his hands on the wheel. "Amour I have to tell you something." he licks his lips looking forward.

"What?" I turn his chin towards me and his side smiles.

"I'm going on tour. Walter says it's about three months. Of course I'll call you and three months will pass by like nothing."

I nod and tuck my hair behind my ear. "I get it. You don't have to be nervous about telling me." I laugh a little and lean over kissing his cheek. "You should be excited."

I can secretly hate that he's leaving but I'm proud of Jacob. I remember him having stage fright and now he's touring the world, or the country, same difference.

He smiles at me and takes his hands of the steering wheel dropping them on his legs. "I don't know if I was more nervous to tell you or for the actual tour. I mean I've never went out the country. I barely leave the state and he wants to takes us to these places. And we have to go on planes- Amour you know how I feel about planes... I just don't know if I can do it." He chews on his bottom lip.

I nudge his arm. "Oh please Jacob. You got the moves like Jagger."

He laughs and covers his face with his hands. "You're not funny." He nudged me back. Jacob leans over and kisses me.

I pout in his face. "I'm funny Jacob." I start to to tell a knock knock joke but Jacob kisses me instead of answering the door. "Ok so knock knock." I say when he pulls alway from me.

Jacob shakes his head. "Please stop."

"Jacob you're suppose to say who's there." I roll my eyes at him. He sits back in his seat shaking his head again.

"Well orange was there." I snicker and lean back in my seat. Jacob starts laughing proving that I am extremely funny. I shift in my seat and lean over in his face. Jacob shuts his eyes ready for a kiss but I lick his lips. He chuckles and wipes his mouth with his sleeve. "Is this how you tongue kiss?" He mimics my nine year old voice.

"I think so." I make my voice high like his back when he was eleven. "Memories." I squeal and he laughs.

Jacob pulls me to him in the car and I go straddle him. "I can show you how to tongue kiss." He says slowly and leans in kissing me.

Someone knocks on the widow and I pull away seeing Walter. I wipe my bottom lip with my thumb and Jacob brushes his hand over his lips. He winds the window down and I start moving off his lap. "No you stay." He laughs. "Elaine and I are the same." He winks at me and I blush extremely embarrassed.

He hands Jacob some papers then pats the car and leaves. We start cracking up once the windows up. "I should move." I say and begin climbing. Jacob sticks his tongue out and touches my lips with it. "Canine."



Me and Jacob race up the stairs to see who reaches his apartment first. He catches up to me on the second floor and grabs me by my waist lifting me in the air. He kisses me and I stop laughing to kiss him back. Once he puts me down he raced off and I'm left there blushing. I groan slamming my foot against the floor. "Bitch."

When I finally get to his apartment he's on the couch drinking something. I roll my eyes and throw my jacket at him. He catches it and walks over to me. I look at the tag of his leather jacket. "Versace?" I ask with a raising eyebrow.

"Versace Amour." He corrects my pronunciation. "You know it right?"

I shake my head feeling my hands down the soft leather. "Should I?"

Jacob starts randomly chanting the word Versace making me a little scared. "Migos and Drake?"

I smile and nod. "I know Drake but not Versace. Drakes like this place too?" I understand seeing the leather is equivalent to butter.

Jacob smiles down at me and chuckles slightly. His hand pushes my hair back. "This is my most expensive jacket." He whispers as he takes it off and puts it around my shoulders.

"Then why are you giving it to me?" I hold it so it doesn't fall down. "I don't even know how to say Versace right. And where the hell am I gonna wear Versace? Drake wears this."

Jacob shrugs. "I bought it just so I could feel good about myself and wear it to sort of prove that I was going places or something. I want you to have it."

"But seriously Jacob maybe you should keep it. Where am I going to wear it?" I giggle at how boring my life is.

He raises it over my shoulders and signals me to tuck my arms in his jacket. I do and he smiles. "Oh snap! You look sharp!" He brushes his hand over my shoulder and kisses my forehead.

"I guess I can rock this!" I put up a peace sigh and pucker my lips.

"Oh Amour." Jacob breaths and puts my hand down. He puts his hand on my cheek and massages them so I part my lips. "Don't do that again. Please." He begs and I laugh nodding my head.

"Got you bruh."

He shakes his head. "Don't make me regret giving you this."

I pop the collar. "Oh please Jacob. It's in the right hands. I'll thug it out for you." I pat his chest and he shakes his head.


"7, 800 and something dollars Jacob!" I push the jacket off my shoulders having a panic attack. "I think I'm gonna faint." I raise my hand to my forehead trying to steady my breath. "How do you waste that on a jacket?"

Jacob laughs and pushes his afro back. "This apartment is cheap for me and I just kept saving my money and I needed something to spend it on." He says and stands over me as I freak out.

"Do you know how much things you can do with that. This freaking jacket can freaking clothe a country. This is why Drake where's it." I shake my head and feel my face getting hot.

Jacob places his hand on my shoulders to calm me down. I wanna smack him. How could he possibly be so careless with money? I thought at most it was three hundred but I guess I'm a dipshit.

"You know it's a nice jacket." He smirks and picks it up.

I shake my head placing my hands on the sides of his face. "Oh Jacob, are you losing you're mind? Is something wrong?"

Jacob continues to laugh and takes my hands from my face. "There's nothing wrong with me Amour. What's wrong with splurging for something you want."

"Why'd you just give me it then?"

He leans down and kisses me. Even though I know he's crazy I kiss him back. "Its's important to me but you're more important then anything. I love you."

"Aww." I blush and rock from side to side. "Stop it." I playfully hit his chest smiling.

I'm probably going to end up giving this shit back to him. It'll just make me crazy knowing I have all that money was weaved into this clothing. "Don't do that again." I say sternly.

He smirks. "Yes ma'am."


Please comment and tell me how you think the story's going!

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