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I don't understand what's going on with my life. I watch tv and there are thousands of sixteen year olds worrying about there high school crush but I have this life? It's obvious that I wasn't made to have a happy lie. Being the offspring of an ill tempered father and having a newly-conceded boyfriend is not fun. I don't know what I did wrong in my life that got me into this state were even if I'm not crying I still can feel the wetness of tears on my cheeks. I don't know if I'm doing this to myself or if I'm truly the victim in these bad situations.

I had to beg my dad to let me come back to his apartment. I won't be submissive to Jacob. He can hurt me like my dad but I'm never gonna fear him like I fear my dad. I don't care what my dad calls me anymore and I don't care how he treats me anymore. But being hurt by Jacob is a new intense pain that I can't face.

My dad's groggy voice rings through the apartment as he calls me. I rush out of bed wiping my face dry and stand at his doorway. "Amour get my clothes ready for work and don't be so slow."

I get everything ready for him and rush to make his breakfast after. He leaves and the apartment is pitch quite which scares me. Bad things happen when it's quite.

After cleaning up the apartment I go to get ready. I had an idea of going on the train to see Elaine. I don't know which excuse Jacob have for me not going but if he refuses to take me then I'll go myself. It takes me an hour to pick out something and once I do I smile at myself. I don't look half bad. My dad is going to be mad that I'm not gonna be home after he comes back from work but I just hope that going to Elaine changes things.

It's about an hour travel excluding buses, trains, and the dreaded walking but I finally was at Elaine and Walter's house. I knocked on the door smoothing my hair. A lady in a black dress comes to the door smiling through her red lipstick. "May I help you?"

"I'm here to see Elaine. My name is Amour."

The lady yells Elaine's name then back to me. She eyes's me and I come to the conclusion that rich women must find some pleasure in examining girl- not to be dirty. Elaine comes behind her wiping some sweat from her forehead with her oven mitten. She sees me and her eyes go bright. "Oh my gosh! Honey you've grown so much!" Her arms wrap around me and she squeezes me.

"I missed you." Slips out of my mouth and I feel weird about taking this so personal. She kisses my cheek and hold both of my hands.

"I'm making cookies and muffins for the boys. You should join me. Barbra here is my assistant." She signals me over to the lady with the painted red lips who smiles at me. She drags me into the kitchen telling me how things have been with her modeling and how she recently had a fight with a dumb photographer who didn't know the angles. "Will you let me mentor you on modeling? I keep asking Jacob to tell you and he constantly tells me you don't want to but I'm no idiot. Boys gets scared when there girl models. He may be a little afraid of you having a nude picture with a sexier man with him."

I wish. "I would actually love to have you as a mentor."

"Good!" She squeals and hugs me once again but with more jumps.

"Well Jacob is downstairs practicing some dance steps. You might want to go say hi to him."

I shake my head. I'm not sure if I want to see him. "No I'll help you with this cooking business."

Being around Elaine makes me imagine how things would be with my mother. Things would be so much better with her around. Elaine defiantly seems like a role model in my eyes.

When we're down she ask me to bring them downstairs but I talk her out of it. I don't want to see Jacob and I'm sure he doesn't want to see me. She made us both tea and we sat and talked shit about people.

A rumble of boys inch closer to us. All of there deep voices made me nervous to see Jacob. I turn my head and see the same group of boys from before. "Elaine made cookies!" A boy with two braids say and run to the tray of cookies.

"Sexy you back?" I turn my eyes to the same boy that eyed me from last time.

"Shut up Roc." A boy with a blond caesar says and picks up a cookie.

Jacob steps over to me fixing his eyes on mine. He takes my hand and pulls me into another room. "Why are you here?"

"You don't get to control where I go." I twist my wrist out of his hand and push him away from me. I start going back to everybody and smile when I'm in the kitchen. Jacob wraps his arms around me from the back and his lips dance along my neck sending shivers up my spine.

"I'm sorry. But don't act up." He continues to kiss my neck. Instead of pushing him off I giggle to not make a big scene. Everybody turns there head to us and I grab at his arms. Jacob chuckles as he lets me go but keeps a arm around my shoulders.

Elaine admires me and Jacob's relationship. In her head we are some perfect couple that reminds her of what young love is. Instead we are the complete opposite. Jacob needs some type of guidance to get his head out his ass and I just need someone to teach me how to sucker punch someone.

"You guys are the ideal couple. You two stay together and you'll be all over the magazines once Jacob jump starts this music."

"It's great publicity." Her assistant adds from the corner.

Jacob squeezes my hand and I look up to see a huge smile on his face. "Well that'll be cool." He looks like a fat boy that went to a candy shop after fat camp.

"Yeah if we stay together." I laugh but everyone eyes me like I'm crazy. Guess that was the wrong use of words. Now I'm probably going to be looked as the horrible girlfriend that doesn't love her boyfriend but that's completely flipped. "I'm kidding. I love Jacob." I snicker and kiss him.

Walter walks in and comes over to give me a hug. "Amour! Longtime no see!"

I nod my head. "Yeah."

"Well she'll be coming around more." Jacob adds and pulls me in front of him gripping my waist. "Won't you Amour?"

I nod. "Yeah."

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