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Even though Amour lives with me we don't talk much. Most of the day I'm at Walter's house and the days I have off I make sure I'm out so I don't have to endure the pressure of being alone with her. I'm not saying Amour is some type of infection that if I'm around to long I lose my mind but I'm still not trying to be with her.

It's been two months and we only speak to each other in one word sentences. I understand if she's mad at me for not trying to even acknowledge her but she doesn't show that she's mad. She doesn't have to spell it out for me to know that she's hurting, I don't know if I'm gonna do anything about it.

On Saturday I went out with the guys and chilled all day. I come home and Diamond is on the couch watching tv. She turns to me and I send her a smile. "Sup." I say as I walk to the kitchen.


I got in the kitchen grabbing some potato chips and start walking to my bedroom. I turn my head to Amour's back and see her hand going up to wipe her face. Amour and this crying shit. I walk to the couch and sit next to her wrapping my arm around her shoulder. Amour goes stiff but I pull her into my chest while rubbing my hand down her arm.

"You okay Amour?" I ask getting no response. "Amour come on I'm trying to talk to you."

Amour come off my chest and turns to me. Her eyes are a little red and I can see tears on her face. "What did I do to you?"

I shake my head. "Nothing Amour."

"Then why won't you..." She stops herself and tries to get up but I grab her hand.

"You can't just cry in front of me and leave."

Amour sits back down on the couch. "It doesn't matter how I feel about this or us. You don't care about me and for this whole year I've been wondering what I've done to you to make you think of me as something so small in your life. And I don't know why I'm trying to talk to you because you don't care Jacob." Amour says with an unsteady voice and tries to raise her hand to her face but I hold them both down.

I sigh once Amour looks away from me. "I really do love you. I love you more than I love anything-"

"That's such shit!" Amour yells and her hands jerk under my grip. "You love money, fame, and pretty things. I love you more than anything, oh please. You don't just not talk to the person you love more than anything. You're an insensitive jerk and you are selfish." Amour takes her hand out of mine as I sit there in shock.

I sit back on the couch annoyed. "What do you want from me? I'm letting you stay at my house and you call me selfish?"

Amour gets up and heads into my room. I hear a lot of things opening and closes and she storms out holding a duffle bag. I get up and push her away from the door. Amour looks down not saying anything.

"Where you going?" I only ask because I know that a hour later I'm going to find her.

She looks up at me. "No where you know." She tries walking around me but I place my hands on his shoulders. Amour smacks me and I hold my cheek more astonished than hurt. "Jacob I'm sorry." Her tone changes and she tries to move my hand from my face.

I move my face a little and lean back against the wall. "I get that you're mad at me and you want to leave and my temper is short but I wanna talk to you. I don't want to be hit by you and the last thing I want is to hit you. I know most of the year has been crappy but I mean it's still November and we can make December beautiful."

Amour shakes her head. "You're only saying this now and tomorrow you'll be laughing behind my back to Ray or that Royal dude or Prodigy."

I hold Amour's face in my hand and brush my thumb across her damp cheek. "I'm serious this time. I get that you aren't happy and it isn't right that you keep crying. I'm sorry alright?" I wipe the eyeliner from under her eyes.

Amour looks scared for some reason. She stands there awkwardly and I pull her into a hug. She giggles a little. "We didn't hug for quite sometime."

I pull her more into me and pick her up, dangling her in the air. "Well we must do this more often."

I back my head up to look at her and stare her in the eye. She's really beautiful and I'm really lucky that she's with me. I staring at her pretty lips and lean in to touch mine with hers.

After us kissing I pick her up more and wrap her legs around my waist. "I promise I won't neglect you anymore."

Please get this part to 10 comments! I wanna know what you guys have been thinking about the book and if you believe Jacob's promise!

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