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I smile in the mirror checking to see if any lipstick got stuck on my teeth. Elaine looks at me in the mirror smiling. She comes behind me and hugs me sweetly. "Why are you so nervous? Jacob is going to love seeing you."

I chuckle at her little knowledge about our relationship. Sure we sort of ended things on a good note but I doubt the last thing on his mind is me. I mean he's touring and fans are crazing him and he barely thinks of me I know it. He barely calls, when I do he doesn't pick up its no point of me coming here. The only reason I am here is because Elaine missed her husband and it's so simple for her to take her jet to London and bring me along.

"I don't know." I say while I try fixing my hair. Even thought I doubt Jacob remembers me I want him to be mad at himself for forgetting me. My dress and my growing ass and my nicer hair should get his attention. Hopefully it gets his attention.

"Hun if he doesn't notice what a gem you are then you find someone else that does do that." She looks at her gold watch and jumps up excitingly. "I think they are starting the show now." She says and heads over to the door with her heels. "Come on!"

I follow her through backstage watching at the crew doing stuff. Whispering in their mics, carrying props, even eating. She takes me to a place where I can see the stage, really right by where curtains would be. I stand their smiling as the fog comes up and the music starts to come up. Jacob's beautiful voice singing his intro. Everything was pretty sweet.

Someone touches me taking my attention away from the boys and turning it to some lady. "Hi, hello. You're Amour."

I nod and pull my arms behind me looking at Elaine. "She's with me Keisha."

"I know. And I know you want to see Princeton but one glance over here and he's distracted and he's not professional enough to have a surprise on stage so can you place wait in the dressing room or something." She ask and I nod not trying to cause conflict. I didn't even want to be here in the first place.

Elaine and I walk to the dressing room disappointed. I know she hates when things don't work out as she planned and her pursed lips told me she was mad now. I think more than anything she wanted to see me and Princeton be her perfect couple like she thinks but it's for the best that we are back here. Out of the boys hair so they could do their best.

"I should call Walter." She gets up and paces around the room upset. "I can call him and tell him that she disrespected me but I want to surprise him. I can't ruin that."

I smile at her and shake my head. "It's fine Elaine I think they'll be done in no time." I said and took a seat on a couch trying to pass the time with a nap.

"Well I'm going for a walk" is the last thing I hear before I zone out. I mean the couch is practically a cloud for my ass.


I feel something tickling my lips and moves them trying to go back to smile. Then I feel someone kiss me and they were a good kisser so I kissed back. I open my eyes looking at Jacob and then closing them quickly to kiss him again. His kisses move from my lips and go toward my neck causing me to moan. As I open my eyes I see that there are people around. And the people are actually looking at us.

"Jacob." I clear my throat and push him off. He pulls away and looks at me. "What?"  I ask and lift my arms up to fix my hair. "Is their something in my teeth?"

"I haven't seen you in a month and damn." He leans in kissing me again. "Who you looking good for?" He ask and get up off of me smiling. I blush uncontrollably liking the attention I'm getting from him. I look around again and notice that all the boys are in here.

"I should leave. I'm sorry guys." I say and get up. They all give me a hug, including Ray which surprises me. I go to the door and Jacob runs behind me catching my waist. He kisses my cheek again. "Has everything been okay?"

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