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The photo shoot that Marcus came for finally was happening and for some reason I was nervous. I am so physically attracted to him it ridiculous and I know how I get when I'm half naked and posing on him. Lucky this photoshoot was fully clothed but being around him makes me blush. I completely have a crush on him.

After my hair and makeup is done I head over to wardrobe which practically stripes me down to my underwear. I was placed in a backless sweater and jeans. Very basic but quite expensive. After that I head over to the set and see Marcus there in his fall clothing. The scene was set up for us to look like a couple happily loving autumn and I didn't mind it.

"Are you still nervous around me Kitten?" He ask as he places his hand around my waist and gives me a soft squeeze.

"Of course I am." I say honestly in between shots and that's all that was said between us while working. After everything Elaine comes up to me giving me kisses.

"You photograph so beautifully."

"She does." Marcus says from behind me and a shock to me is that he grabs my ass without her seeing. I blush and look at him thanking him then turning back to Elaine. "Where to next?" I ask her and she checks the time.

"The boys are going to some museum and I think it would be great it we meet up with them so let's go." Elaine says and quickly hugs Marcus and goes to tell everyone else goodbye. Marcus turns to me and kisses me on the lips quickly as Elaine has her back turned.

"You still with him?"

"No. I'm gonna be on tour for a while though."

"I know. Your room will still be available when you come back just call me Kitten."

I smile and say my goodbyes then leave.

As me and Elaine are in the car I realize she wanted to tell me something and was holding her lips so she wouldn't. "Elaineeee?"

"What's happening with you and Jacob?"

"Nothing. We just got into an argument recently."

"So nothing serious?" She ask and I nod my head.

"So it would be fine if I had you guys room together the rest of the tour right? Money is tight and they don't want to be paying for an extra room. If you really need a room feel completely comfortable with telling me I can always arrange something for you but you lived with him it's cool right?"

"Yeah of course." I say and smile but inside I'm dying. I stare out the window hopelessly wondering how many times I will fight with this boy.

"We're leaving the hotel tonight so make sure your bags are packed."

"I will."

In no time we are in front of the museum and I roll my eyes.  When going up the stairs I almost immediately see the smile on Jacob's face when he sees me. That causes me to smile slightly but the fact that I will be pretending to be a couple with him is dragging my spirits down. Once I see him I kiss and hug him because I know Elaine is watching. He seems shocked but takes advantage of the situation to hold my hand.

"I heard we're sharing a room." He says and kisses my neck. I sigh softly to not insult him and look at my feet. Distance would be so nice for us right not but it won't be happening.

"You sure you won't be bringing girls in there?"

"I wouldn't do that to you." He says and I roll my eyes taking my hand out of his.

"You are right. You'd probably just get another hotel when you need to fuck someone else."

"Are you fucking kidding me? You want to fight. You just got here."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 18, 2017 ⏰

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