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Elaine came to get me. She's taking me to a photoshoot and apparently I'm gonna be modeling with a guy. Hopefully he isn't as mean as Jacob's crusty ass.

I get in the car and Elaine gives me a kiss on the cheek. "Hey honey." She reaches in the back seat and pulls up a bag. She places it on my lap.

"What is this?"

"It's just some sleeping things I got for you. It's a three hour drive and I want you to be well rested."

I smile and start unfolding the fuzzy blanket. Thank goodness for Elaine.

I walk out of the corner I changed in with a towel wrapped around me. I'm not so comfortable with the whole male model now that they have deprived me of any sort of material. It's not a nude shoot but only having swimwear on isn't comfortable for me. Elaine walks over to me and has to pry the towel out my hand. "Honey are you uncomfortable. I'll cancel this shoot if you don't want to do this." She pushes my hair back and holds my cheeks.

I don't want to disappoint Elaine and she went through a lot of trouble to get me here. "No I'm just cold." I say and feel someone tap my shoulder. I turn around and see some chocolate god. He smiles and I almost melt looking at he's shiny white teeth. "Hey I'm Marcus. I wanted to see if you want to talk before the shoot."

I look back to Elaine and she shrugs. "Can I keep my towel on?" I say out loud but don't know exactly who I'm asking.

Elaine laughs and rubs my shoulder. "You have like twenty minutes before the shoot starts. Maybe take it of ten minutes before to get used to it." She kisses my cheek and turns around leaving me with chocolate god/Marcus. I look up to Marcus noticing how tall he is and thinking about how old he must be.

"Aren't you cold?" Is the only thing I could think of as he guides me to some fold up chairs in the corner.

Marcus shakes his head. "No. I'm guessing this is your first 'almost naked' shoot." He chuckles but that didn't contribute to my confidence.

"Is it obvious?"

"No! Well yeah sort of. You look like a scared kitten but a cute scared kitten." I flinch when he brushes my hair behind my ear. "You're beautiful."

I had a urge to scream out "Jacob" but I didn't because he's a jerk. "Thanks. You too. I mean you're handsome. Guys can't be beautiful- unless you like being beautiful then you are. You're pretty and handsome and beautiful. I'm not thirsty or anything but good genes! I'm rambling, I do that a lot. Sorry."

Marcus chuckles. "It's fine. You're a cute rambler and a cute scared kitten."

I didn't know exactly what to say after that so I just smiled. I've never been this nervous for a shoot. I am a beginner but he just makes me want to sit on his lap. Jacob's always been the only one I had a eye for but Marcus, with his oiled chest, makes me light headed. "Do you think it's been ten minutes yet?"

Marcus shrugs and pulls off my towel. "Don't be so shy."

Again I keep my mouth shut uncertain on what my reply should be. This is a major case of cat got your tongue. "So this is a serious shoot?" I know it defiantly not but just to keep a conversation.

"Nah. It's some swimwear thing. We're suppose to be in love." He laughs. "That won't be so hard."

I couldn't stop blushing after that. I tried to mask my huge smile with a giggle and he smirks. "I was just thinking about something." I was think about him.

"Sure you were kitten." He gets up and holds his hand out. I take it and get pulled up. I hate cats but I will be one of he keeps calling me that.

The director starts yelling for people to fix the lights and tell us to stand by for five more minutes. I couldn't say anything the whole time we stood there only because standing up and being nervous was horrible. I feel like the whole room can see my shaky legs. Marcus is so comfortable and it makes me feel even worse for being such a nervous reck. The butterflies in my stomach are so strong that I feel like I'm gonna have to lay down and his mind is probably thinking about what he'll eat after this.

They call us on set and immediately his hands are on my hips. Elaine signals me to smile and I do but still bite my tongue because I'm nervous. Once everything is over I know it's not a chance for Marcus to remember me. I pack my things in Elaine's trunk and groan since its's goodbye to the chocolate god.

I see Elaine talking to his manager and smile on the inside. He might still be around. Some hands wrap around me from behind and I smell Marcus's cologne that I've been inhaling for the past hours. "I was thinking..."

This isn't good. Elaine has no idea on how me and Jacob are right now. She still sees us as this in love couple which is totally different now. I still turn in his arms to face Marcus. He bites his lip looking at me. "What were you thinking about." Please let it be some private date.

"About you kitten. Maybe you and me can meet up. My number is in your back pocket." He chuckles once my eyes pop out when I find it. "But I think we're going to dinner now."

He signals over to both of our managers walking to a Italian restaurant. Marcus walks with me and I'm so sure I should tell him I have Jacob. "I have a boyfriend Marcus."

"I don't think he treats you like you want to if it took you three hours to bring him up."

I look up at him wondering about him. Marcus is definitely not in my age group. I think he might actually be able to drink legally. I should be in high school right now not wrapped in the arms of a grown ass man. I want to ask him so bad but I'm scared the the answer would make me think of him as disgusting or he might ask me the question and imagine me as a daughter.

I'm seventeen now so it's not like I'm a child. In eleven more months I'm going to be a official adult he can't be so far from my age. I sit down next to Elaine and he sits in front of me next to what I believe to be his manager, I'm not sure.

Elaine begins talking about how we should partner up and I would not mind that. Under the table Marcus's and me placed with each other's feet like freaks.

"So how old is Marcus?" Elaine ask looking at his features like she does to everybody.

"Marcus is twenty-four." I gasp before four can even come out of her mouth. I begin coughing and Elaine looks at me surprised patting my back.

Marcus hands me some water a little confused. "Wait how old is Amour?"



Does anyone like the Marcus?

What do you think will happen between them?

Do you think the age is to different?

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