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"What the heck is that supposed to be?"

"I-It's a flower crown- HEY GIVE IT BACK!" The smaller brown eyed boy reached with small hands, getting pushed back on the ground. The group of older looking boys, most likely from the grade above.

"This is gay, you know that, right?"

"Why're you making shit like this? And what's up with your outfit?"

"Are you a faggot or something?"

The smaller boy tugged at the sweater paws of his pastel green sweater, "N-no, I was making that for someone, a-and there's nothing wrong with my outfit!" He squeaked, "Can I have it back now?"

"As if! You already have one, why do you need this one?" The main boy held up the partially made crown of flowers.

"I told you it's for someone! Give it back, please."

The main boy snickered and made a waving gesture with his hands. The other two pushed the boy onto the ground, "What're you doing?" The boy yelled.

"Teaching you what's right." The boy began ripping the flowers from the wire and string. "No! That's mine!" One of the other boys grabbed the second already made crown from the smaller boy's head and began ripping that one apart as well.

The black and green haired boy cried as he tried getting up to retrieve the crowns, they were meant for someone, they had an important purpose for them, and now they were being destroyed.

"And this stupid sweater? Are you trying to look like a girl or some shit?" The small boy didn't even care that the last offender had grabbed his collar, he just saw the other two ripping the petals and crushing the flowers he had picked on the ground. He didn't even see the boy who was holding him in place pull back his fist, ready to throw a punch and-


All boys stopped in place at the new voice, "What the fuck do you think you're doing?" The boy who was about to punch the smaller let him go, the other two dropped the crowns as the maker scrambled to get to them.

He sniffled at his broken work, trying to scoop all the crushed flowers back to him, not going unnoticed by his savior. "Stay out of it, Zoldyck, this is our business!"

"So picking on someone who didn't do anything to you is considered only your business? What did he do that was so bad?"

The main boy scoffed, "He's annoying, he's dressed like some fag-" The other boys backed him up, standing beside him. "Do you want us to teach you a lesson too on how to mind your own business?"

The albino smirked, "Sure go ahead," The other boys looked at each other wearily, but then took a step forward. "But just remember who owns this school, and also who owns more than half of the city. How would your parents like it if all three of you got expelled, or maybe if they lost their job? Or maybe both? But go ahead continue your actions, I'm sure the excuse 'We were teaching him a lesson' will be very plausible."

The three boys' eyes widened, all gulping at the same time. They looked back at the tan boy kneeling on the ground looking at his ripped flowers, then back at the blue eyes, pushing past him as they walked away, irritated. The pale boy chuckled a little as he watched the perpetrators walk away, but stilled as he heard little sniffles.

He looked at the boy on the ground who was attempting to sew the broken flowers back on the wire and string. "I'm sorry." He spoke up, "I'm sorry I didn't show up sooner, they're jerks."

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