Chapter 2

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After their meeting they all started packing, getting ready, buying flight tickets and the most important thing making sure that everyone is ready to join another mafia group which is Blacq Card. 

Jessi is the oldest daughter of Mr. Ho while Jackson is her step brother, his real parents are close friend of Mr. Kim, father of Namjoon and Taehyung. Jackson and Namjoon kinda grew up together they were pretty close, not until Namjoon flew to korea, to help his another friend Jin. 

About Jimin and Yoongi they don't live in luxury, but they do run a bar, a dirty bar to be exact, a lot of murders in it. 

Jimin POV

After a year of what had happened that I never wanted to recall, as I regret everything that I did specially to Y/n, I know getting obsessed with your own cousin is a bad thing, but I still did have an obsession over her, but not anymore. Yoongi hyung never repented though, killing Jin hyung wasn't my plan afterall I just wanted to get his sister, but Yoongi hyung told me that it's just the only way to save me, although I was behind the bars for months Yoongi hyung helped me escaped. 

I know that Y/n is mad at everyone as I watch her every moves after I got out of prison, she wasn't the same Y/n from before, she's not cold, she's not gullible anymore, she's not a sweetheart anymore but the opposite of every of that. She had changed a lot. The name of the mafia group or should I say most likely like her nickname "The Ruler of Death" and yes she rules the death world of the mafia world, she's one of the most dangerous mafia to ever exist. If I can just tell her how sorry I'am how much I regreted everything, I will kneel down infront of her and ask for her forgiveness although it's impossible to get, I'am ready to do so.

Yoongi POV

It's been a year, I don't have any regrets with what I did in my past not a single regret. I'm sorry, my heart is just as hard as stone. It's their fault why I lost my sister my little gullible sister. The day someone took my sister, and we never found her my mom died of heart failure while my dad left me alone for his second family. That's my life not until I met Jimin, he lived in luxury, until he got kicked out by his own family because of his obsession towards Y/n. I didn't kill Jin because of Jimin it's because of Y/n, Jin's family is the mastermind of my sister's disapperance, and deep in my heart I want it to be Y/n that's why I killed Jin. I wanna get to know Y/n's past without Jin blocking it.


After the meeting, I went on my brother's room and as I enter his room tears started rolling down my cheeks, I miss him so much "I'm so sorry for not saving you" I whispered to myself then I broke down and let out loud sobs, until I felt someone hugging me from my back. "Shhh it's okay, everything will be okay" he told me as he calmed me down. "I'm gonna make him pay, I won't spare anyone this time".

Next day

It's the next day of our preparation and I just received a call again from Jessi telling me that everything is ready and we are ready too, just waiting to leave.

About Namjoon and me, we already fixed our fight. Jungkook and Officer Jung told me they'll be glad to come with us so they can help us for our future.

Yoongi POV

So Y/n is leaving the country to Italy, interesting it looks like we'll also have to find a mafia group to work with so it'll be easier for us to get the mafia group and also a revenge from taking away everything from me. Jimin has to know about this as soon as possible.

??? POV

Namjoon just told me about Blacq Card I hope it goes well she has to survive in order to meet me, I'll meet you again my little princess.

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