Chapter 14

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Next Day

"Good Morning" greeted Jackson as Namjoon entered the kitchen early in the morning. "Good Morning to you too" Namjoon responded with his deep husky voice. "How was your night with Y/n?" Jackson asked cheekily. Namjoon just chuckled remembering their night. "Oh by the way we'll have meeting today regarding Yeeun's location" Jackson told Namjoon. "You find her location?" Namjoon asked, "Jungkook tracked it last night" Jackson responded. "That's great then" Namjoon said smiling. "I'll see you later" Jackson told Namjoon as he left the kitchen.

Namjoon POV

I went back to our room, and see my angel sleeping peacefully. "Wake up baby we have meeting you need to clean up" I whispered in her ear and kissed her forehead. She just groaned and nodded her head. "Get up now let's take a bath" I told her.


Everyone is up now having their 1st meal while Jessi, Jackson and Jungkook is preparing the meeting room. "So what is the meeting about?" Y/n asked breaking the silence in the dining area. "Jungkook tracked Yeeun's location last night while you and Namjoon are having a great time" Jimin said teasingly. Y/n just rolled her eyes and said "I haven't forgiven you we're still not that close" Jimin just chuckled "Then just forgive me" he responded but Y/n just give him an are serious look. "Stop you two and just eat we need to proceed with the meeting soon" Jin scold them "By the way what will happen after we save Yoongi's sister?" Namjoon asked curiously "I need them to leave very far from here to avoid any dangers but they can stay if they want to help" Y/n responded. "I'll help but I'll send Yeeun away" Yoongi said, "Where are you gonna send your sister and with what assurance do you have that they won't track her to get her again?" Y/n asked him seriously which he couldn't responded too. "Anyways let's finish the breakfast as soon as possible" Y/n added.


After they have their breakfast they all proceed to the meeting room except Hoseok and Jungkook as they are on guard. "So what's the plan?" Jackson asked as the meeting started, "1st of all where is Yeeun?" Y/n asked them "She's in an old building here's the picture" Jessi said and showed her a picture of an old building. "I know that building" Yoongi stated, "That's the old building where Min Corporation was, before the Kim's attacked the building" Yoongi added. "I've seen that building too, it's in Daegu so she's not somewhere here in Europe nor in America (continent)" Jin said. Y/n scoffed and everyone looked at her "There's just one answer they're all in Korea they're not around here near us now this explains why Taehyung is also back in Korea" she told them. "What about Hana?" Jimin asked, "We can't save Daeun unless she wants to cooperate with us but I don't think she'll cooperate she have Taehyung so just give up on her you'll find a better girl like Yeeun you can date her" Y/n responded, "Not my sister" Yoongi said, but Jimin didn't say anything, "Listen here Park Jimin, if that girl won't make a silly move she won't get killed but if she does she will so it's a win win situation she doesn't do anything she lives it's positive for us but if she does something she dies and it's also positive on us, I know you love her but sometimes it's better to let go of the person who betrayed you why would you even love someone that just stayed with you to get information?" Y/n told Jimin "I just can't" Jimin responded "It's still up to you what you want to do" Namjoon told Jimin.

"Anyways what's the plan any suggestions?" Jessi asked

"Attack the building" Y/n suggested "It's gonna be dangerous" Jin responded "It won't be dangerous if they take the bait" Y/n said "We've talked about this Y/n it'll be dangerous for you they know you" Namjoon said "Who said it's gonna be me it could be Yoongi" Y/n argued "They know me" Yoongi responded "They do know you, but they don't know your real motive" Y/n told Yoongi and everyone looked at her with full confusion. "Mr. Park does know you but if you pretend like a good friend to him it'll be easier to attack the building since they'll think you're on their side, you can tell us everything plan by plan that they have once we start, you can also get your sister the safest way, ask for Yeeun in exchange of you working with them at the same time working with us" Y/n explained "That building isn't just a simple building that's their hideout already" Y/n added, in which they all nodded to.

"Anymore suggestions?" Jackson asked and everyone shook their heads, "Ok then next meeting we're gonna talk about how are we gonna execute the plan" Jessi said finishing the meeting.

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