Chapter 20

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It's been a week since that incident and they're having a progress. Daeun is now in their hands. "I told you that plan isn't gonna work" Taehyung said angrily at Daeun as their both tied up in the basement. "Well it's not my fault why would you give in so easily?" Daeun argue back. "She trusts Namjoon a lot more than she trusts her brother" Taehyung replied back. "Then are you trying to tell me that we should've told her, that Jin is a spy?" Daeun asked him. "No, she still won't buy it, she doesn't trust him that much, but she loves him more than anyone" Taehyung replied.

Hours passed by Daeun and Taehyung fell asleep when they woke up by the sound of gun sounds and the basement door flew open as Jimin and Jungkook busted the door. "Help me untie them" Jungkook commanded Jimin. "What's happening?" Taehyung asked them. "The mansion is under attack we have to fight back you two will help us" Jimin responded. "Daeun doesn't know how to use a gun she never used one" Taehyung said as they both were now free from being tied. "You dare to spy me back in the days by pretending you're sick you're just lucky I still love you so get behind me if you don't wanna die" Jimin told Daeun holding her hands.

As the 4 of them came out of the basement room they headed towards the main door to help everyone fight but someone is missing. "WHERE'S NAMJOON!?" Jungkook yelled at Jackson. "THEY TOOK Y/N AND NAMJOON WE NEED TO BE FAST AND SAVE THEM!" Jackson yelled back as Jungkook cursed to himself.


"Let us go" I yelled at them as they tied me and Namjoon on a chair. "Namjoon wake up please!" I yelled trying to wake him up, as I move on the chair trying to untie myself. "Stop moving my lovely daughter" a man said as he entered the dark room and I know that voice, that disgusting voice. "Let us go you motherfucker!" I yelled at him. "Oh my lovely daughter don't you miss me" he asked me. "Why would I miss a demon like you! You're a fucking demon you bastard!" I yelled at him and I felt a stinging sensation on my face, he slapped me. "Watch your language or the next time you yelled at me I'll kill that guy behind you" he said. "Don't you dare touch him" I said while holding Namjoon hands in mine as I spit my saliva in my father's face. Yes this guy is my father right in front of me, I feel disgusted calling him my father. "Listen here young lady fix your attitude or I'll kill that guy right here right now" He told me holding my chin to face him, I spat again my saliva at him but this time he slapped me harder, tears pricked in my eyes. "Listen to me let's see what your brother will do to save you both and I'll make sure he die this time" he said for one last time before leaving the room. No please Jin don't come don't come and save me please I rather die than seeing you die. I thought to myself crying he can't die I won't let him get hurt again because of me.


We've been trying to track them down but there's no luck I'm losing my patience, my hands in a fist. "Jin calm down, we'll find your sister and Namjoon" Jessi said. Silence fills the living room and it feels like eternal and we heard a loud knocking on our door.

"Get ready" I told them, we're holding a gun in case it's our enemy. Yoongi opened the door we're ready to shoot but what we heard next shook us.

"Yeeun?" Kihyun asked.

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