Chapter Twenty-Four

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It's cold as shit, Rio's balls are freezing in this bitch, but did that prevent this dumbass store from putting the AC on blast? Nah. If they auditioning for ice age just say that, he thought randomly...shivering but keeping it cool.

"You okay?" Ring questioned, eying him suspiciously.

"Yeah. But can we go though? I'm honestly cool with the blue one."

It's a couple of hours until the wedding and they were out shopping for suits because Rio had blatantly refused to wear the one that his dad had bought for him, because...pettiness.

"No we cannot. You pulled me out here to buy another suit even though you had a perfectly good one over childishness, so we're going to be here until you stop playing around and pick something you actually want. There's no 'blue one' in this pile, so what are you talking about?"

Rio groaned impatiently before getting on his feet and choosing the first thing he set eyes on. "This one."

Ring looked at the green suit his son picked out and shook his head. "Go try it on then." He said, sitting down and making himself comfortable.

"Do I have to? It looks perfect."

"We got two hours until the wedding, so you can either waste half of it playing, or do as you're told. It's up to you."

It didn't fit. But after a couple more tries they settled for a black tuxedo and headed out the store.

Rio's stomach cried out loud, he was hungry and tired and lacked motivation to do anything about either. If he could get away with it he'd just go back to bed and remain there.

They were almost by the car when Rio realized he forgot his phone in the changing room and ran back inside, he wanted to text Qani and ask why he left like that...maybe.

He sighted his dad standing by the car when he stepped back out into the cold winter morning, he looked impatient in a way that only family would recognize, he was probably annoyed too. Rio thought, deciding to send a quick text before putting his papi out of his misery.

Bang Bang!
Rio's head snapped up hurriedly to see what was happening. It all happened so fast yet so slow.
He saw when the car pulled up from around the corner, then looked over and saw his papi who's attention was on his phone scrolling, then he saw when the bullets left the gun of the unknown assailant from the unknown car and buried itself in between Ring's eyes. Rio screamed at the top of his voice as his father's body dropped unceremoniously to the ground, limp and lifeless.

"DAD!!!!!!!!!" He cried, dropping everything and running to his  father's body. Rio cried and held him frantically, as Ring took his last breath.


Rio's sweating profusely, tossing and turning, muttering 'no no no dad wake up, no you can't leave me, dad please wake up, no no no', over and over when he's suddenly shook to reality.

"Hey! Wake up!" Rico shook his son until the young man snapped out of it.

When Rio opened his eyes, for a moment he couldn't figure out what was real and what wasn't. He sat there in a state of horror and confusion, just looking at his pop's general direction.

"Bad dream?" Rico asked. He was ironing the twins clothes, but Rio must've fallen asleep waiting in line for his turn.

"Where's papi?" Still in a daze Rio asked.

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