Chapter 21

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-A few days before the wedding.-

I woke up at about 5 to Zane wrapped around me. I smile down at him before trying to slide out of his grip to get up just to be pulled back into his arms. "please don't get up yet. Just lay here with me" he grumbles barring his face in my chest

I lay there running my hands through his hair smiling as we lay together. He finally relinquishes his hold on me  letting me get out of bed. I get up  pulling on my shorts and head down stairs to the kitchen. I grab some ingredients and start cooking breakfast for everyone. 

I send Rachel off to let everyone know that breakfast was finished. She returns with Mollee following behind her talking as they fix theirs and their mates plates. As they're setting the plates down the guys walk smiling and talking and kissing their girls. I stand watching smiling happy that both my friends are happy turning my head to the two entering the room.

Zane and his mom enter talking among themselves not acknowledging anyone before going off to his office with their plates. I sigh making me a small plate sitting next to everyone eating quietly listening to everyones morning conversation.

Everyone finishes up putting their dishes in the sink going off to do their own things. I pick up my plate going over and washing the dishes and straightening the kitchen back up before heading back up to my bedroom.

I push the door open going in and closing it behind me heading for the closet digging out some old clothes. Stripping down I slide on the old clothing leaving my shoes and just heading back down stairs and out the door.

I walk out to the woods finding the old oak tree taking my clothes off leaving them beside the tree. The sound of bones cracking and breaking rings out through the forest as I shift to my wolf taking off into a sprint the send the transformation is finished.

I run straight to the territory line before running along it as my thoughts run wild through my mind about my wedding. There have been no rogue attacks for a month or so which seemed off but it could also mean we had scared them off for awhile which is good for the wedding. I just couldn't seem to knock the feeling that them not attacking meant something more and it wasn't good either.

After running non stop for a while I come across the hidden cave I found awhile back. I walk through the cave that opens up to a cliff looking out over a lake with a waterfall off to the side flowing down into the lake. I lay down to calm down my racing heart and letting my aching muscles relax. I really needed this it'd been awhile since I just ran freely and got to think.

I laid there for awhile dozing off to the sound of the waterfall only waking up  when the sun breaks through the trees hitting me in the eyes as it sets. I hope up stretching before leaving out the cave breaking into a full sprint headed for the tree. I skid to a stop right before smacking into the tree panting some as I stand and catch my breath before changing back. I slid the clothes back on throwing my hair in a bun wiping the sweat off myself before walking back to the pack house.

When I got home it was about six-forty five so I decided to head up stairs and take a quick shower. I peel the clothes off me and stayed in the shower for about an hour before getting out and dressed in some shorts and a tank top. 

 I went down stair and made me some roman noodles for dinner. I sat and ate the noodles watching the little television in the corner. I finished up and put the bowl in the sink heading for Zanes office. I went to tap on the door to see if he wanted to come to bed but I heard him in there talking so I just sighed deciding to just leave him be and heading on upstairs alone.

I closed the curtains and the grabbed the television remote curling up in bed putting on the Friday the 13th marathon on SYFY. I laid watching the movies until about eleven o'clock when I finally dozed off.

The Alphas Mate??Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora