Chapter 22

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I yawn stretching looking over at the alarm clock reading seven o'clock mentally groaning to myself. I roll out of bed fixing the bed sheet making them look neater before going and throwing some jeans and shirt on. I head down stairs meeting up with Rachel and head to the dress store. We get there and the lady doing my fitting was sitting waiting on us, she stood guiding us to an area and motioning Rachel to sit while taking me behind a curtain.

I look at my dress hanging on the wall smiling as I undress and slip the dress on letting the lady zip me up. She opens the curtain letting Rachel see in as she looks the dress up. "Well there doesn't seem to be a need to do any adjustments. You fit in it perfectly. You can chnage back and either take the dress now or can pick it up later." I smile thanking her as she closes the curtain for me to change back. (dress to the side)

Me and Rachel walk up to the front desk to see if they can deliver the dress to the house the day of the wedding or if we'll have to come pick it up. After getting all the details worked out I pay and thank the ladies as we walk out.

We stop by the catering making sure everything is still on track for the wedding and making some more decisions on the food. We head to the bakery to pay for the wedding cake Sandra ordered. I let her pick out the cake as long as the cake was red velvet.  Honestly all this  was way to much for me and I had started out wanting just a small wedding of just friends and family but my mother in-law insisted we have a huge wedding and invite all the packs for appearances and to keep the alliances strong.

After checking up on everything we went and grabbed fast food before heading back home. As we walked in laughing and talking I notice Zane sitting on the couch playing video games. I gave him a kiss on his cheek before walking to the kitchen grabbing an apple and a book from the book shelf before going back and sitting next to him.

I sat and read my book watching him play his game periodically stopping to watch him or give him a kiss every time he won a match. I was spending all the time I could with him before he had to go stay at his cousin because supposedly it's bad luck for the groom see the bride before the wedding.

We continued this routine for a couple of hours until his cousins showed up causing me to pout knowing he was leaving me. He kissed me on the cheek. "Goodnight Hun. Can't wait to see you tomorrow." he kissed me one more time before he turned and walked out the door rough housing with the guys. You could hear their bones cracking as they changed outside. A few moments later it got slightly quiet before Zane howled out loudly causing me smile as the other howled after him. 

A few moments after they were gone his mom came downstairs and sent me up to shower and to bed. Honesty I was so ready for her to leave she was controlling every aspect of our lives right now and it was absolutely irritating. I decided that showering and going to bed was the bed idea for tomorrow was gonna be a long busy day.

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