Chapter 3

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  I wake up to "Zoe wake up!! We have thirty-nine minutes before we have to leave!!" I roll over and push my little sister Carrie off of me. I look up and see my clock say 7.

     I jump out of bed and start to take a shower but my brother Devin yells "No time for a shower just throw something on!!" I run back to my room and throw on some old jeans and a t-shirt my brother Alex gave me before he ran away to be a rogue so he could be a navy seal.

      I run down stair with my phone and jacket in hand as I yell for my sister to come on. (Picture of Zoe to the side) I grab my keys and back pack and jump in my truck. I start the truck at my sister gets in. I drop her off at school and head for my school.

     I get there 5 minutes before the bell rings. I grab my nikes from my backseat and put them on. I put my purple and black jacket on and hop out of the my truck with book bag in hand.

   Rachel and Mollee meet me at the front door and I give Mollee a hug. I haven't seen her since school ended last year. Us three are best friends. We all walk to first period. All our classes are the same.

      As I walk in I smell the best smell in the world strawberries and vanilla. I walk to my desk blocking out Casy my wolf because I think its just her complaining again.

       All of class I smell this smell and I feel like some one is starring at me all class. When the bell ring I turn around to Mollee and Rachel. "Do yall smell that??" They look at me confused an then ask at the same time "What smell??"

       I laugh because they always do that.   I just say never mind and we just walk out of class. Finally, Rachel speaks up " Hey Zoe did you see Zane just starring at you all during class?" I look confused " umm no actually I didn't."

    Walking down that hall  we run into my boyfriend Blake. I run and jump into his arms. I missed him so much. He had been gone all summer. He hugs me back and whispers into my ear " I missed you so much.  You wanna hang out after school??" I go to say yes when I hear a loud growl.

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