Chapter 19

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"Hey Mrs.Sandra..." I just stand there shocked looking for Zane wondering why he hadn't told me she was coming.

"Oh Honey you don't have to call me Mrs.Sandra you're marrying my son, so you're practically my daughter now!" I nod politely smiling sheepishly "Yes Ma'am" I rush off to the kitchen where Zane is pacing around the kitchen with Caleb.

"Why didn't you tell me your mother was coming!" I say through gritted teeth visibly irritated with him.

" I didn't even know she was coming, she kinda just showed up here and she might have found out we were getting married.." He looks over at me nervously.

"oh I know she already mentioned it" I rub my temples sighing as he comes around the counter brushing a strand of hair out of my face smiling leaning down to give me a small kiss. All I wanted was to come home and relax with him ,but that clearly wasn't happening.

As our lips are centimeters apart some clears their throat catching our attentions and causing Zane to growl lowly in frustration. I blush slight giggling turning around to see who it was just to realize it was his mom causing me to grow even redder.

"Zoe can we please talk I have some things to discuss with you." I nod walking leaving Zane with Caleb in the kitchen. I walk into the living room and it takes Sandra a minute to join me so, I know she stayed to say something to them.

I take a seat on the couch watching as she joins a few moments later taking a seat across me. "Has he marked you yet?"She bluntly asks without an emotion on her face. I fidget with my fingers before answering not sure if the true answer is the answer she'd like to hear. "He hasn't." She looks at me with a hint of confusion and sadness.

" Why? You are his mate right? If not I'm gonna have to ask you to leave, my son can not and will not marry some whore that he THINKS may be a good match." She makes sure to emphasis think as she speaks." This pack needs a great Luna and the only one that will do is the one chosen by the moon goddess." I look up at her a little taken back. The anger and hurt through out my voice as I slightly holler in frustration "I am most definitely his mate and we are waiting until we are married for him to mark me,but I really find this whole topic none of your business." I get up leaving in a hurry pack warriors tripping to get out of my way as storm up the stairs in anger.

I slam the door behind me sinking to floor leaning against the door laying my face in my hands as a softly cry into my hands. I couldn't believe she felt that she needed to ask me that especially in that manner.


The Alphas Mate??Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon