Chapter 22 It was a lie?!?

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I continue to walk out the door but before I came get out of the door a vampire stops me. "I can not let you leave until you speak with king Daniel."

I just laugh and try to go around him but he grabs me an throws me over his shoulder. "Put me down!!" I scream and kick him to get him to put me down.

The man carries me to the throne where Daniel is sitting and drops me on the floor. I growl at the vampire and he stiffens up ready to defend himself if I attack. I laugh under my breath and stand up slowly watching him then turning to Daniel.

Daniel sit there watching me for a second before sitting back in his chair. "well Zoe I bet you're wondering why you are here. well over time that answer will be answered but until then I would like to get to know the new you since you have change so much since the last summer." he says eyeing me the smirking.

I growl at him and take a step towards him and this big dude step in front of him. "you really need a body guard?" I say laughing. "well of corse I do especially when I have a very powerful white wolf in the presents of my kingdom." he answer smirking.

My jaw drops " did you know that?!?." Only pack was suppose to know. How many other knew our secret? I start to panic and get frustrated. "Zoe since you left me for Zane I did research on your family to find weaknesses and what I found was very fascinating if I do say so myself." he stands up an walks down the small section of stairs and stands in front of me.

"What do you mean?!?" I ask my temper rising. "I will tell you over dinner tonight. That is if you accept the invitation." he steps a little closer to me. "I will accept. if you answer every single one of my questions even if you don't want to." I smirk at him crossing my arms across my chest.

"Then it's settled you will be having dinner me tonight! Bella go get her dressed for dinner please I want her to look astonishing tonight." he say before turning around an walking back up to his throne.

Before I could answer one of the big guys steps in front of me and directs me towards Bella. I glare at him and walk towards the girl. She looked to be about 14 maybe 15 she is very skinny. She is probably either a servant or slave.

She looks at me pitifully. She starts to walk off and does little motion for me to follow. I follow her back to my room and she makes me go take a shower. When I get out se hands me a red bathrobe. I put it own and she makes me sit down in front of a mirror.

She blow dries my hair and brushes it out. Then she plug the curling iron in and lets it warm up. While its warming up she's digging through a closet. When she reappears from the closet she is carrying a long black dress.

She lays the dress on the bed and comes back over to me. The curling iron was warm so she started curling my hair. She did big curls on the bottom and small curls on the top. She finishes that an runs her fingers through my hair mixing the curls together.

Then she he starts from the left side of my head and does a wave braid in my hair. Then she she starts on my make up.

She put a little CC cream on y face and down my neck. She put a light pink blush on my cheeks and then she digs through her little bag a pulls out eyelid primer. She daps a little on my eyelids an rubs it in and then puts grey eye shadow on my eyes. Then she puts Liquid eyeliner on me and then two layers of mascara on me.

She gives me some lipgloss to put on. I put a small amount on ad follow her into the room. She helps me in my dress an then hands me my heels. I sit down and put them on. Then she put my jewelry on me.

When she is done she leave me sitting there by myself. After a few minutes a man walks in. "King Daniel is ready to see you now Mrs.Zoe." He says stepping back so I can walk through the door.

I pick up my small hand bag and walk out the door. He guides me down the stair an then down a long hallway.
We reach this door and he slowly opens it. When he opens it I hear slow and soft music playing.

The man say something to some one and then steps to the side holding the door open for me. I slowly walk into the dining room. When I enter I notice a table set and then a huge ball room floor.

Daniel walks over and puts his hand under my elbow and guides me to my seat. I sit down and he pushes my chair up. He walks back to his seat and sits down. "you look beautiful tonight."

I laugh a sarcastic laugh. "like you even care just cut the bull and let's get straight to business. I want to spend the least amount of time in this place as possible." he laughs at me " well hinny what do you wanna her first?" He ask sitting back in his seat.

"I wanna hear about what u find so interesting about my family." As I scoot back I slowly bring a knife off the table into my lap. "ok well then. First off your father was a werewolf but, your mother was not. She was. Very powerful witch that everyone feared. well that is everyone but your father. He fell inlove with her. They snuck around to see each other but, they messed up and he got her pregnant with a baby girl. They didn't know it at the time but this little girl would grow up to be the most powerful witch an werewolf this world has ever seen. When the elders found out they had to punish them for creating this baby so they burned the witch and made the werewolf marry a hybrid since they child was a type of hybrid they decided a hybrid wife would some what cover up they had done." he looks at me sadley.

My eyes start to water up but he continues. " But they couldn't just let the father get away with just that simple punishment. They decided to curse the child. The child would be a grey wolf if the father had the dominant trait and a white wolf if the mother had the dominant trait. If the father had the dominant trait they would leave the child alone but if the mother had the dominant trait the child would be cursed so that the last white witch would come for her and killer her unless the wolf can kill her. Si the father had to live knowing that his daughter could die any day" Daniel looks at me and walks towards me.

My eyes tear up and I start to cry. The women I called mother wasn't even my mother. Why didn't my father tell me? Does Zane know? Is that why he wanted me to be his wife? So he could have power? Daniel walks over and tries to comfort me but, I become angry and mad.

I take the knife I was hiding and stab him in the shoulder. "I want to leave!!" I scream as a pain shoots through my head and I pass out.

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