Chapter 23

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I wake up to a loud banging on the front door. Groaning irritated that no one got up to get the door I slide out of bed walking downstairs and answer the door. I swing the door open ready to rip this person a new one for banging on the door this early only to be stun by who was standing in front of me. 

There stood Blake  my boyfriend before Zane became my mate. "Oh hey Daniel it's been a long time."  I stood unsure how to act in this situation. He steps back a little looking me over " Well you have changed a lot since I last saw you. You've most definitely matured very well." he bites his bottom lip looking me up and down.

"What do you want Daniel?" I cross my arms rolling my eyes. "you" he says plainly and reaches for me " I love you Zoe and I want to be with you. Come with me or I'll make you come." he grabs my wrist and goes to pull me towards him.

I pull away from him looking at him like he's crazy."Let me go. You never loved you didn't even look for me when I ran away but now I have Zane so just leave you're not needed or wanted here." my wolf started to take over as I snatch myself from his grip.
"Fine I'll leave this time but this isn't the last you'll be seeing of me. Little girl you are gonna be mine if u want to be or not!" He runs off jumping and shifting mid air before sprinting off disappearing in the dark woods.
I slam the door closed storming back upstairs still a little shaken up from the incident causing me to not notice Rachel is sitting on my bed when I get inthe room. "what was all that about?"  I jump as she startles me not meaning to slam the door. I turn to look at her as she looks at my questioningly.  Before I could talk she was already speaking "he's powerful now Zoe.  I don't know how or where he go al the power from but he kept me from hearing in on your conversation with him.  You are the only person in this pack that can do that. You need to be careful and tell Zane about him coming here" she gets up hugs me and leaves not waiting to her what I have to say. 

I decide to take a shower and to try and calm my nerves from what happened and whats to come. I hope out wrapping the towel around myself as I grab my clothes drying off sliding on some sweats with a tank top. I go downstairs putting some water on for peppermint tea before going my mother in-laws room to wake her up to get the day started.

~A few hours later~

"She needs to be in her dress now she's supposed to be walking down the isle in a few minutes!" My mother in-law yells frustrated. The passed few hours had been to crazy with trying to make sure everything was in order and guest arriving. They  helped get me in my dress and getting my  hair fixed back from following from the running around I had been doing. 

We all finish getting ready and hurried out to the entrance of the woods where the ceremony was happening. We talk among ourselves as we wait for the music to start admiring the gorgeous decorations and twinkly lights strung through out the trees. We hear the music begin as we hurriedly get in walking order before my brides maid including Mollee walk out one by one. Then Rachel, my maid of honor, follows out behind them after a few moments. 

After a second my brother steps up next to me taking my arm reassuringly as I take a breath holding onto his arm calming my nerves. We walk slowly through the short path of trees before stepping out the in view of everyone.  Everyone stands slowly as we walk towards Zane.

Zane looks at me giving me his devilish grin causing me to blush as we reach him. My brother lets go of my arm hugging me and kissing the top of my head before sitting down.

I turn giving Rachel my flowers as Zane takes my hand. We turn to the preacher as he begins the ritual. The ritual is like a human wedding only slightly different. Instead of vows we put our blood in a cup for both of us to drink and the preacher blesses us and our pack and then we give each other rings.

The preacher turns to me as I give him my hand using a silver knife to cut my palm causing my to wince as the silver comes into contact with my skin. He puts down the knife turning my hand over pouring the blood in my hand in the cup.

He turns to Zane and take his left hand repeating the same exact cut as mine pouring the blood in cup and moving the cup in a circular motion to mix the blood.

He turns handing me the cup for me to drink. I raise the cup to my lips but before I can drink any the cup is shot out of my hand falling to the ground splashing  blood all over the ground and my dress.

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