Chapter 10

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-Zane's POV-

I stood pacing back and forth waiting for them to arrive. I needed to see her make sure she was okay from the phone call I got from Micky it sounded as if she was in pretty rough shape after everything she went through. Hopefully she'd accept the bond we had between us ,but there was going to be a very slim chance of that ever happening after everything. The sound of car doors shutting brought me from my thoughts. I hurry to the door opening it to see Ethan carrying her small and pale frame in his arms.

Before I could move towards them from the from door the pack doctor had walked over motioning them somewhere else. I went to take a step off the porch to follow Ethan ,but a hand was laid on my shoulder causing me took over seeing Alpha Micky was the one getting my attention.

"She's pretty messed up. She looks as if she hasn't ate properly for a few days and her wounds are not healing like they should be. Dr. Weeks is gonna run test on her see what's going on ,but he said there may be a chance she won't wake. He thinks the rogues she fought were hybrids and when they bit her some of their venom got in her." He looked at me with worry in his eyes patting my shoulder before a squeal erupted from the front door and a female was jumping and latching onto him mumbling how much she missed him as they walked in. I was left alone on the porch to try and grasp what he had told me. My mate may never wake up. My heart dropped and my wolf whimpered.

"I told you from the start you should've been nicer to her ,but your a stubborn asshole." My wolf Marcus hissed at me before going to the back of my mind.  I sighed knowing I deserved his words, he had told me to be nice countless times ,but I'm just a dick. Running my hand through my hair I start making my way to the infirmary where my Zoe was. I push through the front door were a nurse greets me directing me to Zoe's room.

I reach the room were they have her taking a deep breath opening the door up taking in her state on the medical bed. Her skin that is usually tan is pale as can be and she has dark circles around her eyes. I walk up moving a chair by her bed sitting and holding her hand whispering to her.

"Zoe I know I haven't been the greatest person to you in the past and it was wrong of me to treat you that way. Sorry will never be enough to apologize for all I have done ,but I promise when you wake and I know you will because you're the strongest person I know, I will do everything and anything to and try to make up for past few years." I look up at her and her monitor hoping for some type of reaction but nothing. I sigh kissing her hand softly before laying it on the side of my cheek turning to kiss the palm of her hand. I smile slightly at the light little tingles from our touch.

I stand up pushing the chair back some brushing the hair out of her face leaning down and kissing her forehead before leaving the room to speak to the doctor about moving her back home to our pack.

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