Chapter 25

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My eyes slowly open as i wake up. It takes my eyes a few minutes to ajust to the bright liht beaming down on me. I look around the room slowly and spot Zane sittingon one of thecouches holding a little baby in a blue blanket. My eyes start to water.

It was perfect my husband sittingthere holding the perfet little baby boy. After a second Zane finally looks up and sees me awake. He gets upslowly and carries my baby over to me. I sit up and take the baby in my arms. "He has your eyes and nose" Zane says as he slowly sits beside me.I coug then beinto talk "hes is just perfect but what arew we gonnaname him??" I rush the babys cheek then lookat Zane. "what ever you want hisname to be baby." Zane brushes the hair out of my face.

I look at him for a second then i finally dedcide the perfect name for him. "his name will be Mason" Zane looks at me then at baby Mason. "that is perfect baby. Now imma take mason backto the nursery so you can get some rest. If you need me just get the nurse tocome get me I will either be in my office or our room." he leans down and kissed my four-head before h leaves with Mason.

I lay the bed for a while just thinking.After a little while I get the nurse to turn the radio on for me so i can listen to something asi fall asleep. After she leaves I drink my small glass of water and just lay there for a few. I finally get sleepy and fall asleep.

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