Chapter 13

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- A week later Zoe's POV-

Blake left. Laying on my bed in the pack house locked in the room wallowing in my own sorrow. I was happy he found her ,but that left me alone here. Zane made me move here instead of letting me go back to my home so he could make sure I didn't run off again ,so in protest I've locked myself in this room and never coming out.

My mom told me I was being childish and to give Zane a chance ,but hell with that he's an asshole. I slide off the bed walking over to the balcony stepping out onto it looking out at the men and women finishing up their training for the day. Dinner would be soon and Mollee would bring it up for me to eat.

As, I looked closer there were also people setting tables up around the back yard. Was there a party going on that Mollee didn't tell me about? As I'm standing at the window thinking there is a knock at my door pulling me from my thoughts. I go other peaking out to see Rachel peaking back. "Are you gonna come down and join the party later or stay cooped up in here like a nut job?" She looked at me like I was stupid as she stood waiting for an answer. "I might come down for a little while if I can find an outfit."She pushes through the  door with Mollee behind her smiling carrying a few bags that look like make up and a dress. "You go shower and we'll set up to get you and ourselves ready. "

-3 Hours Later-

I looked myself over in the mirror at the little black dress they had picked for me and my hair flowing down my back. I was already tipsy because the whole time we were getting ready we had someone bringing us drinks to take off the edge for when we decided to go down to the party.

I throw a little chap stick on as finishing touches before heading down stairs leaving my heels behind in my room. As, I  reach the bottom of the stair the music is already blaring and people are all over each other on the make shift dance floor in the living room. I head straight for the kitchen looking for a drink when I bump into Zane almost falling over as the intense tingles covers my arm causing me to look up in Zane's eye causing me to have to fight to stay in control.

"Well I see you decided to finally come out of that room of yours." He smirks down at me bringing his hand up to my cheek causing me to smack it away.

"Don't touch me." I growl lowly pulling away and pushing open the door to the kitchen walking over to the counter sliding onto it next to Rachel. She gets one of the guys to pour us a round of shots and I shoot mine back the second it's handed to me. We have a few more rounds laughing and talking with the few people on the kitchen. I slide off the counter walking out of the kitchen into the living room taking a drink of the liquor in my cup before Mollee comes out of no where dragging me onto the dance floor.

As we were dancing I finished off my cup when something caught my attention out of the corner my eye. I turned seeing a dark figure standing there starring and as I went to say something and move towards it my body went limp and everything went dark.

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